Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,067, April 19, 2020

You don’t need conspiracy theories when you
take a good look at the wallies who get elected.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Bill St. Clair

Another Letter from Bill St. Clair

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Brad Zartman

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Bill St. Clair

Toilet Paper

I’ve seen the thesis of the toilet paper story that Ken linked to in TLE 1,066 (didn’t something historically significant happen that year?) Makes sense. I fixed the problem for myself long before I ran out. I bought a bidet, from Amazon, one of those that slips under your toilet seat, and hooks into the standard water feed tube. It works! I no longer use toilet paper. At all. Grüß Gott!

Bill St. Clair
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Bill St. Clair


In TLE 1,066, A.X. Perez said, “The current crisis has exposed two things that need to be corrected. Both kind of go back to a comment I made back when, you should need the same ID to vote that you need to carry a pistol in public.”

I agree. You should need the same ID to vote that you need to carry a pistol in public: none.

Bill St. Clair
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to my teeth of this Coronavirus panic. I’d like to think our rulers were up to something—whether good or bad is almost beside the point. The more likely truth is that the average standard of politicians has gone through the floor since about 1980. These people have never fought in a war. They’ve never run a business that had to compete on equal terms in the market. They don’t belong to a noble class that thinks in terms of generations. They are ill-educated political apparatchiks who’ve been focussed on getting into office since before their parents hired private tutors to write their GCSE coursework. They face a media class that isn’t much better, and are in the pockets of a business class that wouldn’t last six weeks in a real market.

This lockdown is the latest turn in a downward spiral of insane and failed military adventures, of PPP scams, of grossly overpriced infrastructure projects, of political correctness, of falling for every environmentalist and lifestyle management fraud under the sun, and of the associated petty tyranny. And they’ll do this again to us the next time someone sneezes on an Underground train.

You don’t need conspiracy theories when you take a good look at the wallies who get elected.

This being said, here is an extract from my latest desperate attempt to look on the bright side of the panic: [ reprinted in this issue—Editor ]

And here is one of the better uses of my time—a digitisation of a some selections from The Mikado, recorded in 1930

In the next few days, I will get round to doing a nice Beethoven 5 from the 1920s and a complete Gondoliers from about 1920.

Keep (reasonably) sane,

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Feeling Confined? (Thank you, friend)

All, do not answer an email that is addressed as “Knock, Knock”. It is Jehovah Witnesses working from home.

Read that something recently that advised slipping into a pair of slacks occasionally, as PJs and sweatpants weren’t good barometers of waistline expansion.

This cleaning with alcohol is total b.s. NOTHING gets done after that first bottle.

Kinda starting to understand why pets try to run out of the house when the door opens.

Does anyone know if we can take showers yet? Or should we just keep washing our hands???

I’m so excited it’s time to take the garbage out. I wonder what I should wear?

You think it’s bad now? In 20 years our country will be run by people home schooled by day drinkers.

Day 7 at home and the dog is looking at me like, “See? This is why I chew the furniture.”

My Mom always told me I would never accomplish anything by lying in the bed all day, but look at me now! I’m saving the world!

I miss the days when we were terrified of Romaine lettuce. Ahh, the good times….

I swear my fridge just said. “What the hell do you want now?”

Coronavirus has turned us all into dogs. We roam the house all day looking for food. We’re told “no” if we get too close to strangers. And we get really excited about car rides.

Whoever owes you money, go to their house now. They should be home.

Homeschooling Day #3: They all graduated. #Done.

I’m giving up drinking for a month. Sorry, bad punctuation: I’m giving up. Drinking for a month.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Brad Zartman

Separation of Church and State

I am going to rant about Separation of Church and State and religious freedom in this country for a bit. Ride along, it’ll be fun. :-)

Religious freedom was the MAIN reason Europeans came here to begin with. At first to escape the Church of England, then when the Founding Fathers wrote the constitution, they made it a point to specify the Separation of Church and State. They did NOT mean freedom to choose among Christian religions, they meant freedom from the government having ANY connection to ANY religion at all. They were educated, well-read people. They understood that religious trends change, what is popular now may not be later, belief systems change and adapt (somewhat) to the times. Allowing a governmental system to have ANY religious leaning guarantees it will fail, or at the very least become wildly at odds with the times it is in. Look at ISIS, there is a religion based government in our modern times. Most of the world’s ancient governments were religion based, look how they turned out. Our Founding Fathers were pretty sharp, they knew where religion-based governance lead and specifically avoided it. Thanks to that foresight, we as a nation are free to worship (or NOT worship) as we please.

Never fail to consider where would you, personally, be if your particular “flavor” of belief-system were not the same as that of the government? Persecution and pogrom are not outside the realm of possibility, even here, even today. Listen sometimes to the religious fanatics we have in this country. Many (very many) would be totally on board with ISIS type executions of those they deemed wrong.

What if you lived a lifestyle the current system didn’t approve of? Perhaps being non-heterosexual would be forbidden. Perhaps living “out of wedlock” would be against the rules. Maybe it would be alright (or even required) to have multiple spouses, or child spouses, or perhaps beating your spouse to death would be allowed (or even required) under the right conditions. You may find yourself in a country that would not allow you to live due to your “infidel” or “heathen” beliefs.

Sure, you may be thinking, “This guy’s nuts,” (I’ll not deny it), “nobody’s talking about making America some nutty religion, were talking about GOD, what could be wrong with GOD.” Well, I’m not even going to start on that one. Just look around at all the variety and wildly differing views there are just among your god’s followers. And yes, before you even say it, they, too, believe themselves to be his only TRUE followers. Yours might be “flavor of the month” right now, but who’s to say what would be in vogue 20 years from now, or 100, or maybe even five years. Again, you could find yourself, personally, on the wrong side of the aisle, facing persecution, tax penalties, “re-education”, or even death.

No, better to stick with separation of church and state and freedom of religion. I’d like to see ACTUAL separation of church and state, get all reference to any religious belief system totally out of government, off the currency, out of the courtroom, etc.

Oh, Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Thanks for your attention,

Brad Zartman
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Disjointed Thoughts

The left is accusing the right of taking advantage of the current crisis to engage in acts of tyranny. The right accuses the left of the same. They’re both right. For that matter stories keep coming up of seeming random acts of arbitrary abuse of power by local officials, some out of overenthusiasm in trying to stop the spread of COVID-19, others out of being officious jerks. Elections are coming up, use your franchise wisely.

People need to remember that restarting the economy isn’t about putting money in rich people’s pockets (actually off shore accounts if you insist on really getting into the leftists’ narrative.). It’s about getting the crops planted and harvested we need for next winter, about getting clothes out before the next arctic vortex.

Remember health crises are hitting about once every three years or so. We need to make sure that our leaders have a drill in place to handle them that also respects our freedom.. God knows they are quite ready to trash it.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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