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Number 1,071, June 7, 2020

Survival With Style!

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The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Another week, already gone by. I hardly noticed. Must have been distracted or something. I did notice a few interesting reads:


Microsoft helped me install Ubuntu Linux on my Windows 10 PC, and it’s actually pretty good
by Ed Bott
If you’ve ever suffered through a painful Windows update or watched in disbelief as your MacBook decided to slow to a crawl and switch its fan into jumbo-jet-at-takeoff mode, you know that there’s one and only one answer to your woes: "Switch to Linux."

I kid, of course, but you’ll find that advice offered in earnest if you scroll through the comments here at ZDNet, where an army of open source evangelists regularly preaches the Gospel of Saint Linus in response to even the most vaguely related bit of news about other platforms.

And you know what? I think those commenters have a legitimate point. Anyone who aspires to understand the modern computing landscape should have some experience with platforms other than the one they use regularly because a lot of what you see in Windows, MacOS, and Linux today comes from the same DNA.

[Read More]

I’ve been a Linux user for some things some of the time for quite a while. Alas, it never does everything I want, that is to say the applications software I like to use is not always to be had for Linux, and the “just as good” applications weren’t. Too bad. (Of course there is “WINE” (Wine Is Not an Emulator), which does run most Windows software, but not always just like on Windows, also alas. Anyhow, I’m going to try this out Real Soon Now, you betcha.


Comes now a wonderful Rant from Larry Correia:

Larry Correia

A friend of mine posted about seeing this: "Where are all you gun owners now that the federal government and police are attacking citizens in the streets?? Now that the National Guard is out oppressing citizens? I thought this was the moment you’re waiting for? So why aren’t you out there fighting them with your guns? You’re nothing but a bunch of fucking cowards!"

My response was the GIF of Nelson Muntz going HA HA.

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Nobody beats Mr. Correia at calling a spade a goddamn shovel.


And this:

The State’s Priority Is Protecting Itself, Not You
by Bradley Thomas

Murray Rothbard pointed out in his book Anatomy of the State how the state is far more punitive against those that threaten the comfort and authority of government institutions and workers than they are against crimes against citizens.

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Of course, anyone who is paying attention noticed that long ago—the problem is, so very many are not paying attention. It’s almost like the public schools train people to have their heads up their … well, to not pay attention, and/or to not think about anything off-kilter that they do notice.


But don’t worry:

The Media Are Lying To You About Everything, Including The Riots
by John Daniel Davidson

It seems no great event or upheaval in our national life can pass now without the media lying to our faces about it.

They lied about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia in 2016. They lied about the Mueller probe and Brett Kavanaugh and former national security adviser Mike Flynn. They lied about Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian president and the impeachment farce that ensued. They lied about the coronavirus and the lockdowns and the White House response. And now they’re lying about the riots.

In recent days we’ve heard a steady drumbeat of lies, distortions, and disingenuousness from the mainstream media about almost every aspect of the unrest now gripping American cities. The deceit is almost too pervasive and amorphous to describe, but I’m going to try anyway.

[Read More]


Thought for the Week: If Richard Nixon had been a Democrat, he would be one of their great heroes.


A word of caution:

A recent study has found women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it.
—F. Paul Wilson


Oh, I should remind y’all that the Deadline for submissions is approximately 6:00 PM (Mountain Stanrdard Time) on Saturday. Anything received after that may or may not make it into the Sunday issue.


And, as always, I implore you to remain deplorable.


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