Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,083, September 6, 2020

It has become pathetically clear that an attack
on religious architecture is a display of savage,
barbarous contempt for civilization itself.

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Carl “Bear” Bussjaeger

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Dennis Wilson

Letter from A.X. Perez

Freedom and the Quest for Target Ammunition

Right now the only practice ammo available is expensive frangible lead-free stuff. Got a box which I intend to save for an emergency, either handling a mess where avoiding overpenetration is almost more important than reliable penetration or if I get really hard up for practice time. (at just under $40.00 after shipping and handling a box of fifty, you can see why.)

Twice I’ve referred to “At least being able to make the bad guys duck while my friends and family got away.” One was in reference to shooting skills deteriorating from lack of practice. The other refers to getting a set of throwing knives to use when no ammo was available (as opposed to for going into gun free zones.). One of the most important freedoms is the ability to protect the people you love, or even hate less than root canal.

I have enough risk factors for Covid and have lost enough acquaintances to it to be willing to respect the stay home, social distance, wear a mask thing. I also have my eyes open enough to see the petty little abuses of power, and the not so petty ones, that people have justified with the lockdown. One is creating a sense of anomie, a shortening of the list of people you hate less than root canal.

“We must all hang together, or we shall surely hang separately,” to misquote Ben Franklin. Socialism is a failure, but humans are social beings. To be free, truly free, we must have people with whom to share our freedom. Not to mention, in the fight for freedom, the maxim, “Bare is back without brother,” definitely applies.

Be free, find friends with whom to share your freedom, and may you have a reliable practice ammo source.

Meanwhile, with the weather cooling I’m contemplating getting a leather jacket and felt fedora to wear as I go looking for practice ammo.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

[ I suggest reloading as a way to make practice ammo using used brass, and powder, primers, and bullets from your local gun store or maybe even Walmart (which I notice has some reloading supplies these days). A fun and educational hobby. Also saves money. — Editor ]

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Letter from Carl “Bear” Bussjaeger

Award the Medal of Freedom to Kyle Rittenhouse

We The People Petition to award the Medal of Freedom to Kyle Rittenhouse:


Carl “Bear” Bussjaeger
[email protected]
Columnist at The Truth About Guns and The Zelman Partisans
Author: Net Assets, Bargaining Position, The Anarchy Belt, and more
NRA delenda est

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Interrupted Equilibrium

I have been told that there was an equine encephalitis epidemic in the USA during the Gilded Age. The resulting die off of horses exponentially sped up the American love affair with the automobile. When you don’t have horses and need transportation, you speed up adopting the horseless carriage.

I admit it’s possible I’ve been misinformed, I keep trying to find info and it appears I’m asking the wrong question on the search engines. That said, the internal combustion engine was available in the 1880’s, and steam powered self-propelled land vehicles other than the railroad were actually being run experimentally in the 1700’s. However, the automobile did take off in the 1890’s and early 1900’s in America, a paradigm change in our culture.

About 65 million years ago a really big asteroid hit the Earth, opening the path for the flowering of marsupial and placental mammals. However, if you really research things, you find evidence that laurasiatheria had already separated from euarchontoglires millions of years before. Primates might not have evolved into humans without the asteroid, but mammalia was a successful branch of animals long before.

The paradigms changed, and equilibrium was interrupted. We don’t share our planet with the sapient descendants of Troodon, instead of just their non-sapient avian cousins.

Whether or not the Covid-19 crisis is real, phony, somewhere in between, and indubitably politicized, it is an event of equal consequence. Already it has sped up the development of distance learning and the spread of homeschooling. The charge to buy firearms that has been going on since March and continues unabated (not to mention the current ammo drought) is another consequence. There has been a growth in e commerce as a result. In many ways the door to a freer and more decent America.

Our opponents also see this as a chance to create a more socialist and authoritarian America. In some ways that is also happening. It is up to us to act in a way that will block these fascists who claim to be antifascists from crushing liberty in America.

3 November, 2020 remember to vote. Meanwhile, use the technology we have and the circumstances we face to help spread the love of freedom and to exercise our freedom, to create a new world.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Dennis Wilson


Dennis Wilson
[email protected]
Pueblo del Supersedure, Arizona

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