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Number 1,095, November 29, 2020

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Why Am I So Mean To Democrats?
by L. Neil Smith
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A friend and colleague asked me that question recently. He was far from the first. However, anyone who has been reading my writing for a long while will tell you that, at least until the advent of Donald J. Trump, I have been as thoroughly hard on Republicans as Democrats. And they deserve it. What most Republicans—gutless and short-sighted—don’t deserve is a Donald Trump.

It’s possible that I am unusual, in that I began to be politically aware when I was only eight years old. Eight years old. I remember the moment distinctly. It would have been 1954. Eisenhower was the President. Marilyn Monroe had just married Joe DiMaggio. The first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, was launched (I looked it up). I was sitting with my parents in the living room early one evening in front of our very first television set, watching John Cameron Swayze (look him up) deliver the nightly news. For some reason (I don’t remember what it was), I suddenly thought, “I oughta be taking this stuff seriously.” I believed, in the moment, that it was part of growing up, of taking adult responsibility, and from that moment onward, I was as you see me now, whatever the hell that is.

I soon made two discoveries that would stay with me for the rest of my life (so far, he hastens to add): first, that the world could not possibly be run worse, and second, that the answer to every one of Mankind’s problems had already been discovered—and rejected by “older, wiser heads”. It was screamingly obvious to me, and didn’t require any massive genius. With few exceptions, the Republicans and the Democrats were both smelly hordes of crooked, incompetent, liars and idiots who had helped plunge half the world into Communist darkness and gotten the rest of us into one near-lethal mess after another, employing thought-processes that were regarded as conventional and “respectable”. Again, I remember the precise moment in a grade-school classroom when I decided to adopt what is now known as “sideways thinking”. I certainly couldn’t do worse.

Over the years and decades that followed, I ran across the thoughts of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert A. Heinlein, Poul Anderson, Ayn Rand, Robert LeFevre, Robert Anton Wilson, and H. Beam Piper, all of whom tended to regard the individual human being as competent to maintain his own existence without any elbow-jogging “help” from the State, and, absent interference from those smelly hordes of crooked, incompetent, liars and idiots, was completely capable of prospering and of improving the world. The Americans among them (including Jefferson, Madison, Paine, and Mason) taught me that the Constitution thet gave us is what we now call an “operating system” for the orderly rule of law, and that the Bill of Rights had been designed to shackle those smelly hordes and prevent their interfering with our lives, our liberties—our property—and the ”purſuit of happineſs”.

If America was ”exceptional” in any way, it was entirely owing to the Bill of Rights and everything that it kept government from preventing the individual from accomplishing. I also learned that, for reasons I didn’t fully understand at the time, there were those, liars and idiots, who—despite any oath they might have taken to the contrary—had dedicated their miserable lives to getting around and destroying the Bill of Rights. As the libertarian I had become, I made it my business to stand up for the Bill of Rights. The only tool I had was my ability to write.

Again it was more than obvious. In the view of the late columnist Sam Francis, American politics was a conflict between the ”Evil Party” and the ”Stupid Party”. Republicans are frequently stupid—cowardly and lazy, too—to this day. The Democrat Party—I’ll point ou that there’s a hell of a lot of daylight between its leadership and its unsuspecting rank and file—is pure unrelenting evil.

Democrat leaders—leftists, liberals, progressives, socialists, communists—they all mean the same thing, these days—can do nothing but tear down what others have built or steal it from them. If you remember nothing else from this essay, remember that. Democrats can do nothing but tear down and steal. It explains everything about my political evolution that you might find difficult to understand. Democrats have taken away all of my rights and property that they can. They always want more. In the words of Die Hard’s John McClane, they want to kill me, cook me, and eat me. Half of what I possess and treasure most they want to crush under the treads of a Caterpillar tractor. Democrat leaders are little more than vandals, barbarians, and moral cannibals.

Democrat governors and mayors have blatantly violated people’s right to religious freedom and peaceable assembly, while encouraging violent chaos. They and their vile allies in big tech media have all but destroyed freedom of speech in America, and thereby the right to reason together and petition the government.

Democrat leaders have always striven to damage and ached to obliterate altogether the absolute right of the individual to own and carry weapons, so that decent human beings are helpless to resist their collectivist hordes, in uniform or out of it—and you can’t quote Thomas Jefferson about that because they assert (without proof or demonstrating relevance to the issue at hand) that he fucked his slave-girl Sally Hemings. But that’s a topic for another day.

Using taxes that the Founders would have regarded as confiscatory and worthy of an armed revolt, using unconstitutional land-use and zoning laws, Democrat leaders have evaded the meaning and intent of the Third Amendment: ”No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.” Today, they’re effectively camped out there one way or another all the time.

With the enthusiastic help of Republicans, dull-witted saps that they are, Democrats have turned the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments, all of them about criminal procedures in a free society, into a dirty joke.

Nobody even knows any more what the Ninth Amendment says, and the Tenth Amendment only stands to protect the power—and income—of state politicians.

Democrat governors and mayors have enabled violent and ignorant hordes of self-avowed communists to cloak themselves in false respectability and to riot, loot, burn, assault and rape their way through once-shining American cities, while punishing those who would defend themselves, and using a fraudulent disease (we can talk about that later) to forbid families gathering—in their own homes—on Thanksgiving and Christmas and, without legal authority, to force people into psyche-destroying masks. Call it ”On Beyond Orwell”.

Democrat leaders lie endlessly about America’s past and shove their putrid falsehoods down our children’s throats. They denounce capitalism, which has fed, clothed, and housed more people—in freedom—than any other system in history.

Democrat leaders—and their stupid little Republican helpers—have initiated endless, numberless, irrational wars overseas that have killed millions of foreigners and destroyed the future of thousands of young Americans. Democrats have squandered the full measure of loyalty and valor that they didn’t deserve.

Oh, yes, and the Democrat Party murders babies—not fetuses, mind you, but full-term freshly-delivered babies. It is also the party of sexually enslaving young women and of child molestation (Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, by the way). History is a damned funny thing. It may turn out that denying and covering up the UFO phenomenon (science fiction author here, and amateur historian, remember?) was the biggest Democrat blunder of two centuries.

I ask you, rank-and-file Democrat, how you can continue being associated with so much depravity, criminality, and evil? I pretend to hear you ask me why I don’t just give up and accept the phony victory of the putrescently corrupt Joe China. Simple: he didn’t win. I grew up in the Deep South, and I know a rigged election when I smell one. I also know the law. Politics is not a game, governed by rules—just ask the 200,000,000 individuals murdered by left wing policies in the last century—but a life-and-death conflict, which must be governed by laws. By rights, most Democrat politicians ought to be in prison.

Today, I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. From its inception, I was an energetic member of the Libertarian Party—until it gave up its values, bent over and spread its cheeks for the Welfare/Warfare State. I have been enormously lucky to see three truly remarkable Presidential individuals in my lifetime: Senator Barry M. Goldwater—who lost in 1964 thanks to the same, belly-crawling scum who are trying to steal an election today; Ronald W. Reagan, who began to restore greatness to America; and Donald J. Trump. None of them thought in any way that was ”conventional” or ”respectable”. As I write, the election issue is still far from settled. If they decide for Biden, it never will be.

Whatever else happens, Where We Go 1, We Go All.



L. Neil Smith

Award-winning writer L. Neil Smith is Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and He is available at professional rates, to write for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-60s. His writings (and e-mail address) may be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at Patreon. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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