Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,099, January 3, 2021

They really want you dead, or enslaved, or both.

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Resolve To Grow Freedom & Weaken The Beast Through Agorism

by Mike Swatek

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

“Resolve to serve no more and you are at once free.”
from 16th Century essay by Etienne de la Boetie, On Voluntary Servitude

Each of us can easily expand our fight for individual freedom in the new year. You can do many of the things shared below. In a nutshell, this includes anything, big or small, which weakens the state, its crony corporations or its global financial power-mad masters, altogether herein called, “the beast”. If we all resolve to do this, we will become freer, especially in our own lives.

Whenever you buy or sell something, first consider doing so in the real free-market, also known as the Agora. Every time you avoid feeding or obeying the beast, without harming any individual, you're an agorist. Going forward, let's all do much more for our freedom, in as many of the ways described below as possible, and beyond.


Near Your Home

Always eat, shop and hire services at locally owned businesses, avoiding big corporations and their franchises. Pay with cash, silver or some other non-banking system method. Talk to the owner about accepting other payments. Ask if they need help getting set up with crypto and do what you can to help.

Support and get to know people selling at road side markets, garage sales, etc. They're probably avoiding taxes and should be encouraged to continue starving the beast. Talk about what each of you have to trade and what kind of non-banking system payments you each use. Discuss barter possibilities. Maybe you can start them toward crypto or help their understanding of the importance of silver as real money.

Find things you need locally on, especially from those who accept crypto. Buy arms and ammo from individuals on to avoid registration, regulations and taxes.

Also, sell things you no longer need in these ways, or gift them to the needy. This expands the agora and reduces sales of large corporations. For larger items, like a house, learn how to sell it yourself and offer a discount based on the portion of payment outside the banking system, like gold verified as real.

Create an agorist market for your locale. Find a property you can use for a day or two, either with owner permission or temporarily homestead stolen property claimed by government or a bank, preferably with someplace nearby to go potty. You could get a port-a-potty and ask for donations. Get the word out to your community, preferably with nobody in charge. Then, if a state tax thief shows up, nobody is who they can talk to about their BS. If it goes well at that location, do it again, possibly on a regular schedule. Otherwise find a new spot, maybe every time, or even flash markets. Whatever you do, don’t be deterred from making your agorist market happen.

Start your own small business, avoiding involvement with government and the banking system. Determine what you can profitably make, trade or provide. If you have a job which deducts taxes, start a side gig which might eventually free you from being a tax slave. There are a multitude of possibilities. Consider what you like to do that could be profitable, plus make you happy, which is the most important thing of all. Divert time away from non-productive things toward finding opportunity.

If you already have a business, start accepting more non-banking system forms of payment like silver, crypto and barter. Offer discounts for non-bank payments as encouragement. If you sell your services for bank payments, resulting in IRS 1099 forms, offer a discount in exchange for no 1099 reporting, so you both come out ahead. It's even better if they can somehow otherwise claim the expense below the 1099 limit. Some people provide receipts from various business names to support both parties’ objectives. Given a choice between IRS reported income, or a lower paying agorist opportunity, choose the latter which may actually pay you more in the end, plus starves the beast as a bonus. Over time, your goal may be achieved to become an entirely agorist business.

Avoid banking system debt. It feeds the beast even more than taxes, with high interest on totally counterfeit money (the fractional reserve requirement became 0% this year). If you need to borrow for an opportunity with a good return on investment, look for honest lenders or partners in the agora. It’s a growing thing.

Building on your own land can be a wonderful agorist endeavor for your individual freedom. It’s best to do this outside of any town, in places where there are no building or occupancy permit unjust laws. You can do it in a low cost, strong and very energy efficient manner which frees you from debt, regulations and most taxes. The author has studied just about every building method and the best way to do this, by far, is with AirCrete. An excellent comprehensive resource for how to build your own is the video course at which costs only $70. These are not necessarily tiny, with a two story 30-foot dome having over 1100 feet of livings space. Things you can do to further improve efficiency are: arctic rated windows, provide air through a duct to a wood stove and don’t use flooring because it insulates against the temperature of the earth which provides summer cooling. Collect and store rainwater to avoid the cost and permits of a well (remember, “unjust law”, like prohibiting rainwater collection, “is no law at all”). Use Vermicomposting with standard low-flow flush toilets which also provide nutrients and water for a deep mulch garden which requires little water and is easy to maintain, plus can avoid permits and fees ( If you build efficiently enough, totally off-grid solar power becomes feasible, avoiding easements and smart meters. Consider nickle-iron (Iron Edison) batteries for your solar which can last a lifetime, making the added cost an excellent investment. If you build totally out of view of the road and keep a gate closed at all times, starting before construction, you can avoid tax assessors and only pay raw land valued property taxes. After you learn to do some or all of this, you can even turn it into an agorist business, doing so for others.

Learn how to use crypto with privacy, making it virtually impossible for the beast to track and tax your transactions. The first step is learning about KYC (know your customer) requirements for personal information which a large majority of crypto financial services conform with. Then, avoid all those services and find others who don't require KYC. They are out there, requiring only an email address to set up, which can be a single use one only accessed on a secure PC from Protonmail, Tutanota or others which require no identification. Keep your primary crypto wallet addresses on your own devices completely separate from your identity, not using 2-factor authorization to a phone or email associated with you. Trading with individuals in person, exchanging crypto for cash or other cryptos, is excellent for privacy. Then start using the only privacy cryptocurrencies which obscure your identity by default, ARRR (PirateChain) and XMR (Monero). Transferring non-privacy crypto, with non-KYC exchanges or individuals, through a privacy crypto, will let you safely move in and out of wallets associated with you. Continue to learn more about maintaining private communications, possibly with a separate encrypted Linux PC or a bootable privacy USB stick for your most sensitive things, and apply that to how you use crypto too.

Get your savings out of the banking system and Wall Street while you still can, especially IRAs, 401Ks, and any other pension funds. It’s at considerable risk there and directly feeds the beast. All states eventually confiscate retirement funds by forcing purchase of their debt, when nobody else is willing to buy it, on its way to becoming worthless. The 2011 Cyprus “bail-in” confiscated deposits from bank accounts, setting a precedent which can now happen anywhere, regardless of FDIC “insurance”. Cash is also risky and can become worthless overnight, when the state changes the money to go more cashless, as India did, and then requires proof of it being “legal” to convert. Far safer investments are productive or useful physical things in your physical possession which have historically held value, especially in SHTF situations, like: silver, gold, guns, ammo, dried foods, etc. Self-directed IRAs and 401Ks are allowed to invest in gold and silver, and these items may be stored in safes in the home of the individual, which is far better than having digital money stored with TIAA CREF or the like. A good further diversification would be the best privacy cryptocurrencies, or Bitcoin (BTC) bought using them without any KYC, in a wallet on your device protected from any association with you. Remember, crypto may become unavailable when internet isn’t available. So, hold other things too.

Invest in yourself. Learn skills needed to prosper in the agora. Convert unproductive time to good use. Grow a food garden and explore permaculture, which you can even do this in national forests and some state parks. Raise and process your own meat. Become a beekeeper. Determine what you can forage, catch or hunt nearby. Preserve food. Be your own plumber or electrician. Design and print 3-D items. Do carpentry, metalworking, locksmithing, ammo reloading or gunsmithing for example. Teaching skills is another opportunity. Diversify your skills. If it interests you and can help your finances or self-sufficiency, learn to do it and then maybe turn it into an agorist venture.

Beyond the obvious, interactions you have with fellow agorists create other possibilities. When you meet people, take the time to visit and get to know each other’s offerings, skills and needs. They probably don’t even realize they’re an agorist, fighting for our freedom. Also, learn about other agorists from them. This networking will grow your circle of opportunities and support. Promote use of Cell411 to provide mutual support when needed and enhance the sense of community. If you decide to form groups of kindred spirits, consider the Freedom Cells approach and encourage others to do the same. A growing decentralized network of cells makes it easier for people to prosper and envision life without the beast.


Out of Your Area

Whenever you travel, watch for the opportunities described above. Wherever you are, support the local agora.

Freedom festivals with agorist markets are great, inspirational opportunities. A gathering of people who understand and abide by the non-aggression principle, with spontaneous order allowed to prevail, is an amazing experience. A list of these festivals is included at Agorist. Market/Categories/Markets.html, including: ForkFest/PorcFest, MidFest, Jackalope Freedom Festival and others.

Freedom communities are a growing thing. Perhaps the best known is the Free State Project in New Hampshire ( A vacation there will immerse you in the largest concentrated agorist community in what is currently known as United States. Others are emerging, like VALIANT in the western Ozarks, and should be sought out for their agorist opportunities and possibly a new place to live.

Agorist.Market , Connecting Counter-Economy Buyers With Sellers, is a project which took off on Black Market Friday. You'll find many agorist sellers and providers there, plus links to other such sites. If you have continuous agorist offerings, you can list there for free. It’s now expanded with the new ShopAgorist feature for listings of limited time or availability, like CraigsList, for agorists. After agorists are connected, they deal directly, with nobody in the middle, as it should be. AgoristMarket has a discussion group on Telegram to learn more. For maximum visitor security, Agorist.Market has no script, cookies/tracking or even the ability to detect your device. So, you may need to turn your phone sideways for proper viewing.


Resolve To Be Free

In the new year, let’s all resolve to use agorism much more in our fight for freedom. Dive in as deep as you can, locally and beyond. We have the numbers to seriously begin weakening the beast and become unstoppably free. To make it happen, every one of us is important. Please, begin taking more action, today!

Together, let’s grow our freedom, and more importantly, that of our children.


Thanks to Jim Davidson and Lisa Bowman for their editing support

Republication: You can’t own an idea. The author believes that intellectual property “law” has done more to retard human progress, overall, than anything else the state has ever done. It’s antithetical to the natural freedom of ideas and the agora. Therefore, the content of this article is yours to use as you see fit, for our freedom. Credit back to wherever you found it would be appreciated.

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