Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,101, January 17, 2021

The point is that Democrats, the mainstream
media, and Big Tech are falling all over
themselves not only to prove every "right
wing conspiracy theory" correct, but they
have doubled down and redoubled.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from T.J. Mason

Second Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from Brad Zartman

Third Letter from A.X. Perez

Second Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from A.X. Perez

The Bedrock

If you think about it this is the bedrock on which the Zero Aggression Principle and social contract theory rest.

First great rule of morality: Do not prey on (as in kill and eat) your own family. As we evolve we extend this to clan, tribe, nation, and finally all humanity.

Second great rule of morality: protect your family from predators (as in those who would kill and eat them.) As we evolve this extends to clan, etc..

This has nothing to do with religion or philosophy. It is simple biology. Those who say it is alright to steal from others are saying it is alright to prey on your fellow persons. They are seeking to return humanity to a state of each against the other, and God against us all. They are predators.

Protect your families.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Niven Laws

One of Niven’s laws:
There is no cause so noble that it won’t attract “fuggheads.”

Larry needs to add a corollary
A noble cause’s “fuggheads” are the only members the cause’s detractors acknowledge.

Sarah’s addendum
A cause’s detractors will create “fuggheads” where none existed if necessary to destroy it.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Second Letter from A.X. Perez

No Other God

“I am the Lord thy God … Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
—Exodus 20:2

I have seen the second phrase translated “Thou shall not place strange gods before Me,” and “Thou shall not place false gods before Me.”

For years I have been concerned that there are those who would elevate the state to a condition of deity. They want to make the government its church, themselves its priesthood. I also believed that the mechanism of the state takes a life of its own, and exercises godlike power. Consider it a runaway program like Skynet, but operating without the use of a physical computer, but rather substituting dozens of bureaucrats and other agents as its neural network.

The end result is the state becomes a false god, demanding our worship and obedience. Its agents become an inquisition, requiring us to make our auto de fe. This does not mean obedience to just laws, or even obedience to avoid punishment, it means that we surrender our conscience to the state and worship it.

The state becomes a false god, whom believers in any other gods are forbidden to worship, even if they were so inclined. In turn the deified state sees these other gods (Including most especially the Abrahamic God, especially as perceived by Christians) as strange gods, whose worship must be forbidden and suppressed.

This creates a second issue. There are two groups of people who claim to practice atheism. The first and more honorable in my opinion, are those who have perceived no acceptable evidence to convince them a deity exists, so therefor they do not “Believe in God.” These people are exercising intellectual honesty and freedom of. good on them they very well may be right.

Then there are those who deny they believe in the Abrahamic or any other god because in fact they have a god they worship, the State. Some are even spokespeople for the State and those who control it. They deny the existence of God, they seek to convince believers to turn away from Him by mocking their faith, often blocking believers from exercising their faith and teaching it to others. They wish to suppress worship of a strange god, the God of people who are not like them.

There are those who would make the state a false god and force us all to worship it, and suppress the Abrahamic and other faiths as the religions of strange gods. They would make us slaves of their god. They would sacrifice our liberty to the state.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Re: No Other God, by A.X Perez (above)

My very dear friends Cathy, Ken, Albert, Wayne, Scott, Sean, Neil, Roger, Mejakun, and all the readers of the letters to the editor of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise,

Albert’s letter is an exceptionally wise look at the idolatry of the state. The state has its Cathedral, and those who worship there were highly vexed with Americans went in and did what Americans do, looked things over, checked out what they had been paying for, wandered off with a lectern (one American took a stand!), stood behind the rostrum in a room decorated with actual fasces (look it up) and, horror of horrors, sat at the desk of Nancy Pelosi that they had paid for and put feet up on said desk. None of that is allowed by the oligarchs who believe they own the world.

Happily, the overwhelming evidence is, these are just really terrible people, the oligarchs. They have a lot of foolish ideas from Thomas Malthus and Thomas Huxley, and a lot of wealth and power handed down for generations, and currently are expressing their ambition to enslave all mankind and kill about 7 billion of us. They rape children, drink blood, and have other unclean habits.

Yes, the state, the bloody bloody government, is an artefact of human hands. It was set up by people for the exclusive benefit of a few. If you review the anti-federalist papers, always a good source of info, you find that the plantation owners Washington, Hamilton - who grew up on a plantation in Nevis, and Madison were key to the orchestration of the palace revolution of 1787. They were unhappy with the government of these United States of America under its articles of confederation, so they met, swore a blood oath of secrecy, and crafted a huge new plantation they wanted to build until it controlled the entire world.

And still they persist in ignoring God. God, and I ask that you believe me on this matter, is not ignoring them, nor us. God is working in our world, and all the time now. We will soon see many fruits of those works.

Those who seek to have all mankind enslaved do wish to set themselves up at the top of a hierarchy of control. They have been at this work since at least 1745, I believe, and there are documents such as the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and certain other esoteric information, as well as now-abundant archaeological information that there was a "high" civilisation 100,000 years ago which included not only modern humans, but also Denisovan, Neandertal, and Floriensis (hobbit) humans. Much of that civilisation was obliterated by the supervolcano at Toba roughly 70,000 years ago, and the main surviving branches of humanity, us and the Neandertals were still around 30,000 years ago.

There are texts engraved in a building in Egypt that list "kings" of various Egyptian dynasties going back tens of thousands of years. There is "meltwater pulse B" which seems to have been caused by an impact event in the ocean that dramatically raised global temperatures, melting the Cordilleran, Laurentide, and European ice sheets and, in about 40 days and 40 nights flooding the world and raising global sea levels by up to 400 feet in various places.

There are some who trace the numbers 33 and 322 in secret societies and who notice that there were a small number of scholars responsible for the two great works of English literature of the early 17th Century, the King James version of the Bible and the collected works of William Shakespeare, and note that key phrases produce, in various kinds of Gematria, numbers like 74, 33, 322, and even 137 the 33rd prime number. I note with intense interest that the Merriam Webster dictionary that was forced onto the American scene after the War of Northern Aggression changed the spellings of many words (colour, tyre, neighbour) with possible outcomes in Gematria. To say that there are people in our world who have been plotting and planning our enslavement for hundreds of generations seems easy to support, and I suspect that some of this stuff goes back even further.

Thoth, for example, relates that he drove a path into the "halls of Amenti" and found 32 ascended masters there, suggesting that Thoth was 33rd, and so the worship of 33 may be related to the cult of Thoth. I note that some recent esoteric researchers claim that the Tarot cards are a remnant of the "Book of Thoth" spoken of in ancient Egyptian documents and building texts.

We who mean to be free have to be aware of these things, not because we have to *believe* exactly as one another, nor indeed is there any evidence that God wants unwilling compliance with a set of human doctrines, but because we have to understand what we are fighting. And what the nature of the fight has been and will remain.

Very near the first issue of this wonderful publication, the publisher and our great good friend L. Neil Smith pointed out that we are in a culture war. And, like any good soul, Neil has been emitting useful cultural artefacts since his first novel, The Probability Broach, way back in 1979. Neil has done more for the culture war than nearly anyone I can name, bar none. And has been joined by many, many good people in fighting the culture war by showing people visions of how it might be if we were all completely free.

In my opinion, we are also in a spiritual war. And by that, I specifically mean that those we are against want to enslave mankind to the dark powers they believe in, the demons they worship, the Moloch that they claim justifies them putting their children into the fire, the Baphomet that they say teaches them to drink the blood of children. I believe there are cultural aspects to this part of the war, such as Peter Thiel trying to normalise harvesting blood from teenagers (he says with their consent) and Jack Dorsey of Twitter trying to normalise the rape of children. But these cultural aspects of the war relate directly to the spiritual context.

My dad followed the scientific philosophy of Hans Reichenbach and my mother said she was agnostic and would say, "I don’t know if there is a God and I don’t think you know either." I was raised by them and believed as they do, and did not invite Jesus into my heart until 1997. It was only in 2020 that I came to understand that the blessed Mother Mary is also a vital part of my life, and I began praying her Most Holy Rosary every day.

So please allow me to agree with you, Albert, that I know there are many people of good conscience who are not believers, either atheist or agnostic, and many who believe in other ways in the same aspects of reality that I understand as God the Father, Jesus Christ his only son, the Holy Spirit, and Mother Mary.

What you describe as atheists who believe in worshipping the state is consistent with the oligarchy manufactured "social contract" of Jean Jacques Rousseau (who was called the enemy of humanity by Voltaire, a contemporary who had reasons to say so) and the oligarchy manufactured "communist manifesto" of Karl Marx. I am sure that there are communists who believe themselves atheist, but there are also oligarchs who worship demons.

The real issue is: they have now set up death camps in the regions most under their control. The oligarchy has determined to put Americans who supported Trump, who don’t wear masques, who won’t take the vaccines, who won’t obey the state blindly, and who are not the obedient slaves of the oligarchy in various kinds of "re-education," torture, work, and death camps. They plan to work your fellow Americans to death to exact some profit and to exact retribution and revenge.

We, then, who represent the free people of the world, should build new freedom communities (VALIANT is working in many states and four countries now and I invite anyone who wants help organising and building for the future to contact me) and make plans to crash into those death camps with 18-wheeler semi-rigs and get our fellow countrymen out of harm’s way.

We own the rural districts. And that is a huge advantage. Power, said Mao, flows from the provinces into the cities. So does food. So does water. We free Americans own property in the high ground, in the rough terrain, and in the swamp lands of Louisiana and Florida. We can win the physical war, because we can move frequently and keep our ability to fight active for generations. Vietnam fought for 60 years against the French, Japanese, French, American, and communist Chinese empires, and won. We might be able to win in less time, I don’t know.

But we are in a fight, and soon, we’ll all know that we’re in a fight.

In invite everyone to consider the spiritual, cultural, and physical resources needed to win this fight. Think. Plan. Then prepare and get moving.

You don’t belong where communists thrive. You belong where freedom lives.

Ubi libertas, ibi patria, said James Otis. "Where freedom dwells, there is my country."

Your friend and brother,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Letter from Brad Zartman

Illigitimi non carborundum

It seems some media types have stumbled upon the possibility that our House and Senate MAY NOT actually have the best interests of “We the People” at heart. I recently read an article in which the author opines that the aforementioned politicos are only interested in (gasp!) PERSONAL GAIN.

I have been attempting to point this out for decades. So interested in self-aggrandizement are they that they will ignore not only their sworn oaths, civic duties, morality by virtually any standard, and the very laws they create (but are conveniently not bound by) to achieve ever increasing mountains of personal wealth.

Thus it has been. Thus it shall remain. Our populace is “risk-averse” (I prefer Clint Eastwood’s terminology) to the point of accepting literally any insult issued by our “glorious leaders”. As a nation, we will continue, with bovine acceptance, to be brutally and humiliatingly ass-raped by these same uber-wealthy career politicians, told what to think and how we should feel about it by their pet media, and scorned as a laughing stock by the rest of humanity.

I, personally, believe that what the people who invaded the Capitol building did was the right thing for people who genuinely believed their electoral system was being fraudulently bypassed to do. I, personally, applauded their courage and initiative, while dispairing the futility of their efforts.

We are doomed. Doomed, I say. We put these oligarchs in power. We continue to re-elect them, or near clones of them. Now, when even the dullest, most dim-witted among us can FINALLY see that they care less than nothing for us plebians, the only citizens of this entire “Great Nation” with the balls to even attempt to actually DO something riskier than bitch are a few dozen who will be persecuted, forever vilified, and unrecognized as Patriots. Misled Patriots, surely. Delusional Patriots, probably many of them. But still, Patriots willing to face unknown risks and the assumption of armed resistance in the defence of their nation’s constitution.

Had I the wherewithal, I’d build them a fucking statue.

Brad Zartman (deplorable)
[email protected]

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Third from A.X. Perez

Buy Bye

The NRA has declared Ch. 11 bankruptcy as part of a process that will end in reincorporating in Texas. This is part of a process of corporate entities abandoning New York that goes back to the Seventies. Of course, the  Association is having legal problems with New York State, or rather the State abusing its power to persecute the NRA.  The result is The NRA quoting Davy Crockett to New York  State, "You may go to hell, I will go to Texas."

A. Hope things work better for the NRA than they did for Davy Crockett.

B. Hope moving to Texas will stiffen the NRA's spine.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Second Letter from T.J. Mason

An individual right...

From 2004. Overly legalistic, overly restrictive, but still accurate:

Whether the Second Amendment
Secures an Individual Right

The Second Amendment secures a right of individuals generally, not a right of states or a right restricted to persons serving in militias.
August 24, 2004

[Editor's note: this is a 756,894-byte .pdf file]

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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