Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,102, January 25, 2021

The time we live in is an era of
one outrageous fraud after another.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Sean Gabb

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Third Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Lazarus Long

Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)

Letter from T.J. Mason

A cheesy '80s movie follow-up tells lessons of self-defense for today

[Link to article at PJ Media]

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

And It Begins

I made up my mind to lay off Biden Until he messed up. Biden cancelled the permits on the Keystone Pipeline, thus costing thousands of jobs, endangering our efforts to maintain energy independence, probably pushing up the price of gasoline and diesel, and last but not least breaking an agreement with our good friends in Canada. He is apparently committing to carrying out the green new deal, which will expand government power and impoverish the American people.

All on his first day in office. 1460 to go (1456 when you read this).

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

A few things

You accidentally attributed my article to El Neil* and now the world is going to think that I’ve influenced him to set up a Florida Room like mine—which can be a very therapeutic thing to do—though I’d guess he’s way too busy for such. I’d be a much more prolific writer myself if it were not for juggling with this and other projects. My sincere hope is that once I get all this infrastructure and good routine in place that I’ll have more time to write.

The next work I hope to accomplish will be something about hobbies being conducive to inner peace which is something that Leftists and other people who itch to regulate the behavior of their fellow humans sorely need. Idle hands (and minds) do the work of the devil. I thought about that a lot since Isaac Arthur talked about the usefulness of hobbies as a means for channeling energy constructively in bad times and maybe even an opportunity to develop a business prospectus where you might be able to make money doing something you are good at and passionate about. I’m at least looking forward to selling surplus animals and plants at a local reptile show and maybe even cages built from old fish tanks. I’m sure people are going to be offering those to me long after I’ve finished building them for my own use.

That is if they don’t ban reptile shows and the keeping of reptiles altogether. No telling what the enemies of the hobby will do and they are mostly in bed the sort of regime that is coming into power. Also one must wonder if they will move to shut this publication and others like it down? Or even ban and burn the works of classic SF greats like Robert A. Heinlein. Maybe in the fashion the Greens drove science fiction and it’s fandom underground in the novel “Fallen Angels”. While the world literally freezes to death under the onslaught of a new Ice Age brought on and made worse by green policies. And the later prospect seems more certain again as the new President Biden vows to return America to the Paris Climate Accord in his opening days in office.

Will make for interesting material for the “Norseman’s Diaries”- if I can remain free and well enough to write them and be able to get them published in this coming era of censorship.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

*[ Oops. Fixed — Editor ]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Free Choices

Hopefully I won't lose too many friends over this. I wear a mask when I go shopping and to my doctors' offices. Secondly, I have had my primer vaccine shot and am waiting for my booster. This is not some groveling compliance to government writ. Rather it is me taking what I consider reasonable precautions.

A. Most selfish reason: I'm the frakkin' poster child of people likely to die of Covid -19. I'm 67, type 2 diabetic, obese, hypertensive, and my EKG's been doing something funky that my cardiologist has learned to describe as normal for me.

B. My wife runs an assisted living facility for the elderly and I have to help her out from time to time. (I want you to think what a couple in their mid-sixties consider elderly). Obviously, I have to take some precautions.

I realize some may take this as me making excuses for submitting to the state. That's okay. Others may say I have successfully been deceived by the statists. I know too many people who have gotten sick and or died of Covid.

I think people should be free to refuse to wear masks and refuse the Covid vaccine. I realize they view this as a necessary act in resisting governmental power grabs. Others of us face circumstances where mask wearing and vaccination appears to be necessary precautions. Hopefully you will respect my choice as I respect yours.

For what it's worth, if I was in my mid 30's, a lot lighter, and had a healthier cardiovascular system I'd be refusing the vaccine.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

RE: Free Choices, by A.X. Perez (above)

I drive on roads built by the British State, and use notes and coins produced by the same, and use websites created and maintained by the same, and use medical services provided by the same free at the point of use. Indeed, these last are often rather good. I also sometimes follow official advice, as it isn't always wrong. If my rulers tell me to jump out of a high window, I will ignore them. If they tell me to avoid sugar, I will consider their advice. As for masks, I am sceptical, but obey. As for the vaccine, I am dubious about the American one, which strikes me as based on untested science, but am willing to be proved wrong. I will take the Oxford one when it is offered. That may do some good and is unlikely to do any harm.

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton


[Link to YouTube]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Third Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Tied of Earth problems? Join the Luna… - Robert Heinlein: Virginia Edition Collection:

[Link to YouTube]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Lazarus Long

Response to “Escapist Literature”, by Jeff Fullerton: here is a link to a 50's serial radio show I recently stumbled upon called X-Minus One:

[Link to]

It's kind of the predecessor to the Outer Limits. Heinlein, Asimov, Bradbury, H Beam Piper are just some of the authors.

Lazarus Long
[email protected]

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Letter from Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)[email protected]

Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada) COVID "Vaccine" Injections

[Link to YouTube]

Manuel Miles (aka Kaptain Kanada)
[email protected]

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