Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,102, January 25, 2021

The time we live in is an era of
one outrageous fraud after another.

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The Darkest Day
by L. Neil Smith
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I have begun writing this on the darkest day in American history that I can remember in my seventy-four years: worse than 9/11, worse than the Kennedy assassination, worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than all of them combined. The election of 1964, Johnson versus Goldwater, was bad enough. Today the United States of America was criminally taken over by and for the Chinese Communist Party.

Our first step in defending ourselves and the pro-freedom, anticommunist values that we cherish, the first step in resisting and ultimately destroying America’s ideological enemies is understanding them. Surprisingly, although it seems hopelessly beyond the reach of Republicans, it is not that difficult.

I must warn you that I have reached a point in my life where I realize that the expressions “liberal”, “leftist”, “socialist”, “communist”, or “Democrat” are pretty much interchangeable. As Mr. Spock once famously put it, “A difference that makes no difference is no difference.” Many of our problems today arise from trying to distinguish between them. The fact is, these true-left believers are rancid, mostly failed human beings and, judging from the private and abhorrent crimes that most of them are guilty of, also judging from the way that their children have turned out, that rancidity is contagious.

If a political or ethical philosophy’s principles inform you that you, whatever you may believe, and your rights are relatively unimportant, that any group of “others” is more important, has access to some “greater truth”, and possesses more rights than you do (as Mr. Spock less coherently babbled, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few—or the one”), its proper name is “collectivism”, and it is pure, unadulterated evil, whose perpetrators, according to Amnesty International, have murdered hundreds of millions in recent history.

The very center of the collectivist’s inner being is a deep, dark, simmering cauldron of caustic and corrosive self-hatred that explains who and what they are, and why they do what they do. I have always believed that studying their self-loathing and its consequences, no matter how distasteful, could be the strategic and tactical key to defeating them forever. Almost everything they think, say, or do are symptoms of a profound state of mental illness.

The self-hatred that moves the left is too hot and too diseased to retain inside themselves. It spreads out and away from them like ripples in a contaminated pond. Next to themselves, they very famously hate their families, their mothers and their fathers. Read practically any “literature” of the twentieth century. After that, they hate their communities, their counties, and their states. They deliberately propose and support policies that they know are doomed to fail, greatly damaging every institution they’re affiliated with. They hate their country, as Gilbert and Sullivan once observed. They hate their race. They hate their sex. Most destructively of all, they hate their species, giving rise to the environmentalist movement.

Behind almost every one of their rare “successes” is a trail of political murders and suspicious deaths. I estimate that at least seventy-five percent of those who create movies and television programs are serial, habitual molesters of children. Don’t ask me why. It’s what they do. Frankly, I feel sick just writing about it and you likely feel sick reading about it. These specimens rely on that aversive reaction in decent human beings for cover. They feared hysterically that Donald Trump was going to expose them and their crimes. They set about to destroy him before he could.

The time we live in is an era of one outrageous fraud after another. Although it didn’t really start there, it began recently with the claim that Trump is a Russian agent, perhaps because Vladimir Putin, whatever else you may think about him, along with his glamorous spouse, Alina Kabeva, apparently share Trump’s distaste for the organized mistreatment and misuse of children of which most entertainment and political celebrities are apparently guilty.

The same entertainment and political celebrities have hated, loathed, and despised the most gracious and beautiful First Lady America has ever had because … well, if you looked in the mirror and saw the face of Joy Behar or Stacy Abrams, or were possessed by their toxic personalities, or if you happened to be married to someone like them, you might just hate Melania Trump, yourself. Collectivists envy and resent all the attractive women of the Right. Next to self-hatred, envy and resentment is their calling-card.

When the Russian hoax began to sputter out (in everybody’s mind but Hillary Clinton’s bee-bonnet), Covid-19 arose to take its place. Covid-19 was a mild illness that killed fewer people than the common cold, most of them in their extremely advanced old age, especially if they were forcibly crowded together with younger carriers (for which Andrew Cuomo and other Democrats deserve to be tried for their lives). Altogether, only about four out of every hundred deaths was actually caused by Covid-19. The rest were ordinary flu and things like motorcycle accidents and falls from ladders, deliberately misattributed to Covid-19 in order to generate government money and enhance control. If anybody dared to discuss it online, their posts were savagely suppressed—which proves Covid-19 is a lie.

And so many Americans fell for it, H.L. Mencken would die all over again with shame. Collectivists encouraged the Covid-19 fraud—Anthony Fauci is nothing more than a shill and a Judas goat—using it as an increasingly transparent excuse to imprison people in their own homes and make them wear dehumanizing masks for months. They destroyed the healthiest economy that America has ever seen. The object, of course, was power. Liberals, leftists, socialists, communists, Democrats—collectivists—will do anything to keep us from controlling our own lives. We might discover that we can do that perfectly well all by ourselves without their constant destructive interference and make them go away. Collectivists exhibit a desperate, pathological need to be needed, exceeded only by the way they blame the people they have harmed and begin executing them by the thousands, when their theories fail to produce Utopia.

Everything that collectivists touch they ruin, and this is neither by accident nor through incompetence. They hate Western Civilization and yearn to see it destroyed. Minimum wage laws resulted in massive youth unemployment, juvenile delinquency, and drug addiction. Given the premises it was founded on, Public Education could never have become anything but the ugly, putrescent mess that is today.“Public medicine” has likely killed more innocent people than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined.

The English language is being rapidly eroded. The black family in America has been utterly demolished by collectivist policies and the “War on Poverty”. (Spoiler alert: poverty won.) Normal, healthy relationships between ordinary men and women are being maliciously picked to pieces. Patrick J. Buchanan was absolutely correct to write about The Death of the West twenty years ago. It has begun in force with our children committing suicide from loneliness and needless isolation from their friends.

And now, regrettably, a smarmy, semi-retarded, mass murdering collectivist candidate has let his fellow Marxist criminals cheat his way into Presidential power (is an oath, taken virtually, still binding?) with no one, apparently, to hold up his hand and say, “No!” But you, and me, little old Underdog. Spread the truth, as far and wide as you possibly can. Where we go 1, we go all.



L. Neil Smith

Award-winning writer L. Neil Smith is Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and He is available at professional rates, to write for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-60s. His writings (and e-mail address) may be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at Patreon. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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