Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,102, January 25, 2021

The time we live in is an era of
one outrageous fraud after another.

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Keeping The Candle Lit
by Sarah A. Hoyt

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

In haste and probably not very coherent, because I woke up really late. You see, I have a sinus infection. This is fairly standard for me this time of year, and being in the house all the time (mildly allergic to cats & very allergic to household dust) doesn’t help. (Yes, I know, cats. shut up.)

Actually that allergy to cats is a good starting point. I’m mildly allergic to cats. As in, if I share my house with a particularly fuzzy one—Pixie first, now Havey—and I don’t vacuum or dust for a little while, I’ll be stuffy. Not very stuffy, just a little.

It’s annoying, but I’ve always (except for between around 18 and 25) lived with cats. So a little stuffiness is normal. And it’s not so bad. I mean, it’s not really uncomfortable. It’s what I’ve always known.

Which relates to the times we’re going into.

None of this is normal. And it’s important to remember none of this is normal. It’s important to not let ourselves be gaslighted. It’s important to keep our own little candle lit, to see things clearly.


Look, they grossly over-hyped a virus, shut down the whole economy in order to crash it and, more important, in order to keep people panic-tied to the TV as they were after 9/11. This allowed them to fraud an election in plain sight and slander President Trump in ways reminiscent of Emanuel Goldstein in 1984. People hate him without any clue WHY they hate him.

Try this with one of your liberal friends, if you still have any: ask them what Trump did that was “shredding the constitution.” They’ll probably come up with something like “children in cages” at which point remind them that a) the constitution applies only to citizens. b) the pictures the saw were from Obama’s day. Then ask what else. The brighter ones will say something like “sent federal troops into cities.” Say “to defend federal property, like you know, the Naitonal Guard in DC.” At some point they’ll snap and start yelling at you that you’re a racist/sexist/homophobe (even if you are a black, gay woman, promise) because you’re endangering their indoctrination. That was the point of having people stuck in front of the TV.

Even so, most Americans hunched their shoulders and voted for Trump. Which is why the left is so terrified. Because they had to fraud in plain sight. In untold numbers. Which isn’t normal and also is not a good look.

Those who expected the Pyrrhic victory to make America normal again are all hopeful today, and we’re in fact probably going to see a temporary easing of the covidiocy restrictions. Why temporary?

Because they need these restrictions on forever to keep control of you. At the same time they need to lift them now because their ideas for the economy (and the bullshit the FICUS already signed) are terrible for us and the economy, and to sell us on “we’re better than Trump” they need the economy to be better for a little bit, before the terrible scourge of Covid or something like it comes back and they have to lock us all down again, destroy our lives.

I expect about six months. Eh. Probably just me, but I expect a second “more deadly” Covid (or third, since the Great Britain one is fizzling out) to kill the FICUS and that will mean we all have to be locked, this time harder. And for as long as they need to get the rebellion under control/from arising.

Look, it can’t last. It won’t last. They’re not very bright. They don’t have even a modicum of support. And they aren’t even disguising they hate this country and their entire purpose is to browbeat us.

Look at that article too, as “don’t do this.” Biden did not become president. There are ways to become president in America and lying, frauding and getting the suborned courts to look the other way is not a LEGAL way to become president. He’s an usurper who acquired the powers of the president…. for a little while.

But here’s the thing: they’re already starting with the laws and framework to punish dissent. And until they can make them legal/operate, until they weaponize the corrupt structure they stole against us, they’re going to try to browbeat us into submission with “reasonableness”. Which of course isn’t in the LEAST reasonable but will be repeated everywhere until you wonder what’s wrong with you that you don’t believe it.

I saw this after Clinton won the first time, which was bad, because my only outlet was letters to the editor. But suddenly all the newspapers and magazines and everything, including the Mensa Newsletter (or why I dropped out) were selling the 80s as “the decade of greed” and explaining away the fact Reagan had destroyed their narrative of “things get continuously worse and less free, because that’s needed and the way things work.”

After Reagan a whole edifice of lies from the need for price controls, to the need for unions, to a lot more idiotic crap was swept away and never came back, but they tried. Oh, Lord, they tried. And they invented Global Warming as the new stick to beat Western Civ with. (Want to know what we’d have been like without Reagan. Look to Europe.)

They’re going to do the same with Trump.

They won’t win. The battle is in fact already lost—for them. But they’re going to do it, and they’re going to be really loud and demand you repeat the lies.

Some of you might need to. I wonder if some professions are as penetrated as they seem to be, or if the majority is keeping quiet and engaging in compelled speech in order to keep their position, not realizing they’re a majority.

I suspect in the convulsion that’s coming we’ll find out.

For now:
Don’t let them in your head. If you have to say things, don’t let them in your head. The election was a fraud, the majority of people DO NOT want socialism, and criminalizing your opponents’ speech is not acceptable. Oh, and disagreeing with the government is not a crime. It can be punished as one, and cost you your life, but it’s not and will never be a crime. Individuals exist. Seeing things differently is never worthy of punishment.

Harden and diversify. And by that I mean online.
Part of my very hard work the next few months is to make sure that there are other venues where I can continue selling/being paid, in case I’m not allowed in the mainstream ones.
Yes, I do know worse things can happen. Yes, I know I might end up dead. I don’t think I will, but that might be the bias of normality. Well. I like living, but there are worse things than death.
Anyway, harden and diversify in everything, including not keeping your wealth in only one form. Not keeping your food in only one place. Keeping your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark, and YES taking care of your body. We all fell into our vices in lockdown, but it’s time to work. You’re more important than you. You’re a vessel of freedom, damn it.

Get Safe. I can’t give specific advice on this because it depends on who you are and what your problem is. For me and my family it means getting out of state. Partly because the state is blue, but honestly we’re in a red pocket. It’s just that—
We don’t know how this resolves. A separation by states (which won’t last, but well…) is likely. Being in a blue state could mean being dragged unwillingly to the enemy camp. On top of that, starving Colorado or at least the area I’m in would be easy, because nothing grows. NOTHING. Well, cows, but after they make those illegal….
BUT more importantly, while our address isn’t public, it’s discoverable because we bought this house under our legal names. And that’s a liability when the death-throes left considers it their right to silence anyone they don’t approve of.
Even without death squads, I have some very …. specific breaking points that make it unlikely I’d survive incarceration. Hence, we’ll move to an undisclosed state. Huns dinners will happen only in “cannonball runs” which we do need to make places where we have family a couple of times a year. (And yeah, it’s going to cost us.) OR they might happen online. I’m trying to set that up, okay?
The people I worry about are those married to CONVINCED leftists. I pray for them a lot.

Don’t raise Stasi members. Get your kids out of public school. They will re-open and the indoctrination is going to crowd out all learning.
Stop that. Even on this blog there are people who will give you ideas on how to keep the crazy left out of your kids’ minds.
Yes, I know some of you MUST work. Investigate forming a pod with other people in the same situation. IF not for the fact we must keep our place secret, I’d offer. I always wanted to teach. Did for a while. Anyway, prioritize teaching the basics. Start now collecting books on history, etc.
IF you absolutely must give your kids to the indoctrination factories, as hard as this is, and as dangerous, you MUST teach them at home after school. YOU MUST. Teach them the real stuff. Enough they don’t grow into Stasi members, but also so they’re functional. Make sure they have the basics of math and reading. Even in my kids’ time that was becoming iffy.

NOT ONE RED PENNY: In the new definition of “red”, not one red penny should go to a blue cause/state/artist/business.
Of course that’s impossible. I’m not stupid! They made themselves indispensable by outright cheating to keep everyone who disagrees with them from succeeding and by incentivizing each other. So, you’ll have to spend some money with them now and then. BUT always evaluate. If they’re not of us, try to find a source that is.
And if you must buy a writer on our side who works for a bad house? Pirate or buy used, send the author a letter with a couple of bucks. THAT is fine.

A RED NET: The opposite of Not One Red Penny is support the right. Hire to the right of Lenin preferentially. Buy from people to the right of Lenin preferentially. Form business alliances. Promote each other.
The left is going to make it as impossible as they can for us. It’s time to fight the way they did to get where we are. No, it’s not wrong. if one side hires preferentially their own, and the other ignores membership in the side in hiring/buying, the second side will lose. AS WE’VE FOUND. Learn.

CREATE: by which I don’t mean ONLY artistic. We need techs to build “alternatives” to the lefty structures. Yes, most of them will fail. Which is why we need many. I’m working on some, and growling as I hit walls (and I’m making shameless use of lefty friends.)
Yes, I know we all have full time jobs; we’re very busy. BUT it’s time. They also fight who create alternatives to paypal, amazon, good reads, facebook, etsy, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. (Just harden all of those.)
Or if you’re a social person? well, we need someone to organize (as Spero pointed out) swarms of letter writing and social media posting so the corporations don’t always fall to the left.
Other things we need: People who understand money and can figure out how to keep or people in business/supported when the left makes us illegal.
REAL journalists, who know how to do investigative journalism, and who might have to start their own sites to report the REAL news. Like, say about what happened in the Capitol.
We need, as the professor coined it, An Army of Davids. Because no Goliath can stand before us. If enough join in.
As with not knowing what will make you safe, I don’t know what you CAN do. This blog is however open for blogs, however pseudonymous, where you go “I think doing this will help” and explain your plan, and we’ll see what people think.
I suggest you sit down and tag what you CAN do that will help us and others in the tough times ahead. Be aware for the beginning it will be extra work on top of what you MUST already do to survive. And it won’t pay—it’s more likely to cost—up front. But it might be the difference between surviving and not.
Yes, the left is going to try to make us eat the bread the devil baked. And they’ll try to make sure we suffer the most.
So? Let’s not let them. Let create structures and alternate paths to survive and thrive. DO IT.

In the end, we win they lose. Because otherwise HUMANITY is lost. And I will not accept that.

As an addendum: I’m considering promoting a “shut your purse February.” As in, other than food and gas and other absolutely essential perishables/consumables, buy nothing for the first few month the Economy is on the FICUS shoulders.
I just don’t know if there’s enough time to publicize it. But I’m willing to consider your opinions on this.

Most of all, if do nothing else, don’t allow yourself to forget. And trust your lying eyes over their proclaimed “truth.”

Be not afraid. We’ll win this. It’s just, as someone said, it’s going to take a lot of sweat, blood and tears.
But anything worthwhile always does.


Reprinted from According to Hoyt for January 21, 2021

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