They’ve convinced themselves America is just
like every other nation they destroyed.
The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise
You don’t realize just how out-of-shape you are until you start packing to move. Oh my aching back.
Would you look at this:
A Physicist Has Worked Out The Math That
Makes ’Paradox-Free’ Time Travel Plausible
by David Nield
at the [ScienceAlert website]
And this:
Has this woman just invented the rocket that will take us to Mars?
The unique design of the plasma thruster could enable spacecraft to travel to distant planets much faster than they can now.
at [Sky News]
And this:
Company of NASA Stars Building Orbital Space Hotel With Artificial Gravity
Guests of the first-ever orbital space hotel will even enjoy space walks.
by Brad Bergan
at [Interesting Engineering]
But enough of that, funny is best:
I don’t know about you, but I’m so fookin’ Deplorable I honk when I walk. Hope you are the same.
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