Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,103, January 31, 2021

They’ve convinced themselves America is just
like every other nation they destroyed.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Dennis Wilson

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Dennis Wilson

Mistaken Beliefs


“Night Terrors”, by Sarah A. Hoyt

“I believe the constitution of the United States of America, though flawed as all human things, is the best instrument yet devised for the governance of mankind.”

Dear Mrs. Hoyt (and other readers with similar mistaken beliefs),

I submit for your appraisal and evaluation “The Covenant of Unanimous Consent”, CREATED BY the very same person who is the publisher of this webzine, The Libertarian Enterprise (TLE). The Covenant is rational, simple, easy to read and understand and even short enough to memorize if desired.

I have written several article (all published at TLE) exploring various aspects of The Covenant. Because of the current “Night Terrors” expressed by you (and many other people) I recommend--as an introduction to The Covenant--my most recent update of “The Bare Minimum” article found at the following address…:

If you agree and become a Signatory to the Covenant, at the very least you will have a single piece of paper that you can copy, point to and proclaim:

“These are MY terms for dealing with other people. They are explicit, they are the bare minimum--AND THEY DO NOT DEPEND ON GOVERNMENT AGENTS OR “PROMISES” OF ANY TYPE. Does any one other person agree with these terms? If so, let the two of us agree to treat each other according to these terms!”

Dennis Wilson
[email protected]
Signatory: Covenant of Unanimous Consent

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Letter from A.X. Perez

After Listening to Someone Who Missed The Point

There are many strengths and weaknesses to Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land. However, in it he almost casually explains a character’s personality by saying that they would have taken Eva Peron as their patron Saint, predicts the modern Megachurches, points out that English is the largest language on Earth ( 10 to the 6th number of words), rehearsed the definition of the Trinity, explains the artistic excellence of three of Rodin’s work, goes over a partial definition of love compared to jealousy/possessiveness, expresses his respect for the heroes who never stood a chance and went down swinging anyhow, all while trying to write a story on how American culture (which he loved dearly) would look to a man from Mars, and telling an entertaining story at the same time so that he could earn a living. He also gave us a simultaneously cynical and sympathetic view of 1950’s American culture. Not too shoddy.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Small Things

Sadly, from time to time we must tether ourselves with safety lines. Beware of those who would turn safety lines into slave's leashes.

We do not carry guns because we are tough, we carry guns because we are wimps and still mean to enjoy life, liberty, and property and the benefits thereof.

Joe Biden as a person is a cipher. However, he is the spokesperson for the Democratic agenda, and that agenda is dangerous to the nation. I won't go so far as to say it is all bad, but the good is not worth the bad.

The Democrats are showing a desire to destroy their enemies, "drive them from the public square" as it were. Be careful to help them reveal their petty and unforgiving natures.

Don't be surprise if Biden retires or is overthrown using the 25th Amendment on 21 January 2023, just in time for Kamala Harris to be eligible to complete his term and serve two of her own. We need to make sure she faces a Republican House and Senate.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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