Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,103, January 31, 2021

They’ve convinced themselves America is just
like every other nation they destroyed.

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I Have Not Yet Begun To Fight
by L. Neil Smith
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The freedom movement needs something we might call “The American Brushfire Committee” to propagate “asymmetrical political warfare” and let the Diurtbag Administration die the Death of a Thousand Cuts. Here, in no particular order, are some ideas I’ve been percolating through my little gray cells. Just call me a “community disorganizer”.

Rush Limbaugh once rendered Bill and Hillary Clinton effectively harmless by making them the laughing-stock of the planet, with jokes and song parodies. Today, Bill is little more than a fading memory, and Hillary’s name is, itself, a punchline. The left were prepared for that in 2020 and offered Joe Biden as the clown target; the more ridiculous he appeared, the better for them. Meanwhile the real threat to America, Communist Kamala Harris, could sneak around behind Biden, making totalitarian promises and threats, in serene confidence that Biden will soon be discarded and disposed of, either through natural causes, by means of Arkancide, or the 25th Amendment. In any case, Biden is a self-solving problem. There is plenty to laugh about in Harris’ background and beliefs. It is she who must become the object of our best satirical efforts.

You may know that I write occasional song parodies. I just finished one supporting Donald Trump. based on the Woodie Guthrie - Joan Baez song “Pretty Boy Floyd”. As collectivists they can hardly object. Parodies were the original form my musical expression took. I went on to write other things. One of them is an anthem for our side called “I Will Be Free”: which I’ll publish as a gift to the movement as soon as I figure out how.

The Libertarian Enterprise Facebook page is a neglected asset. Everything we do there should be completely legal and above-board. If it’s effective, expect to see communist Facebook shut it down. This is grounds for a possible lawsuit. Also, can you “mirror” a Facebook page on a website?

Rest assured that everything we talk about on such a page will scare the other side, an outcome greatly to be desired. You can’t do as much damage if you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off.

One of our subjects should be the criminal Covid Fraud—and the unprecedented economic destruction it has made possible for the communist enemy.

Another must be the equally criminal Climate Fraud. We should do our best to put it down for good and punish its perpetrators.

I am deeply concerned about the deliberate Orwellian destruction of the English language. Take your preferred pronouns and shove them where the sun don’t shine.

Overcoming the social media oligarchy might be possible via the stock market revolt.

“Goon-baiting” is an expression for what Allied prisoners of war used against their German captors. It works best if the enemy has no sense of humor like the Nazis and the Democrats. My dad was a POW in 1944 and 1945. I’ll tell you some of his goon-baiting stories later.

We must adopt the long-range goal of abolishing all taxation, likening it to Queen Isabella’s long-range objective of abolishing slavery. I have written about this before. This could be one of the most effective “brushfires” we can set.

“Q-anon they hate and fear/ That is why we hold it dear.”

New slogan: “Me Too America” America has been raped by the Democrat Party and we’re supposed to just accept it and shut up.

On the Facebook/webpage, compile “Traitors’ List I”: Republican politicians who betrayed and abandoned Donald Trump.

Also, “Traitors’ List II”: actors, directors, producers, and TV personalities whose works can be boycotted to good effect.

Historically, oppressed people (which is what Americans are, now) always create the greatest art. Just consider the musical accomplishments of blacks and the Irish.

Boycotts of all kinds should be effective if Trump really won (as he did) in a landslide.

We should also list our friends in the entertainment business.

Never neglect an opportunity to psychologize the left as I have been doing in recent essays. Sometimes a cigar is more than a cigar.

A supremely important topic should be, “Ammunition shortage: plot or conspiracy?” I think it’s backdoor gun control. We should advocate disarming all federal agencies. Start by limiting the ammo they can stockpile—the vTSA is hoarding over a billion rounds of .380—and make them sell the surplus back to Americans at pre-2016 prices.

Maybe the left got one thing right: politically-appointed municipal police departments could be abolished—provided that elected Sheriffs’ departments received all the resulting assets.

Everybody determined to fight back should begin by reading Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the enemy’s playbook and Eric Frank Russell’s W.A.S.P., which could become our own. Also, Robert A. Heinlein’s The Day After Tomorrow or Sixth Column. “Never give up, never surrender!”

Leaning hard on UFO enthusiasts for protective coloration (Robert LeFevre’s “harmless nut” theory will allow us to work right under the bad-guys’ noses.), loudly and frequently demand abolition of all government secrecy, which is completely out of place in a democratically-run society. I’ve written and delivered a long speech about this. I’m willing to allow them a five year grace period to withdraw the intel operatives they claim this would endanger.

Boycott: don’t buy anything socialist (we’ll make a list). It doesn’t have to actually work to be tactically effective. It will set all the Beakers (remember him from the Muppet show?) on their side whinging. That might make a good name for the enemy in general.

Walmart and Levi Strauss are camong those companies that exhibit a deep contempt for the people who made them rich.

Make up and use catchy terms: The Commiecrats—The Democommunist Party. Always refer to The Lincoln Project as “The Abraham Lincoln Brigade” (look it up to see why it’s funny)—America go brah!

Chinese communists and corrupt foreign billionaires bribe American politicians and oligarchs. The elites spend it in the private market, and we all “benefit”. We call this “Tinkle-down Economics”.



L. Neil Smith

Award-winning writer L. Neil Smith is Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and He is available at professional rates, to write for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-60s. His writings (and e-mail address) may be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at Patreon. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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