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Number 1,103, January 31, 2021

They’ve convinced themselves America is just
like every other nation they destroyed.

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They Have A Cunning Plan
by Sarah A. Hoyt

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

The left has a plan so cunning that if it were a person, it would be teaching cunningology at Oxford. And the ones who get the reference will also know that their plan is about to go pear shaped in all sorts of interesting ways, and at the end of it there might very well be a turnip or two involved, but not as the only item available in the shelves of the grocery store.

Look, someone pointed out in the comments the left are trying to follow the “plan” for other communist revolutions round the world.

He’s right. They’re trying to follow it to the letter. Partly because it’s worked before, and partly, because to be fair, they’re a cult, and cults don’t know the reason for the ritual, they just follow it.

…. but it’s already going wrong. And it’s only going to get worse.

You see, part of the problem is that the cult of communism and the procedures for “the revolution” were set in the early twentieth century. And it’s designed for the early twentieth century. To the extent they worked in places like Venezuela, it is because the underlying structures of the society were still very much “early twentieth century.”

The US? Well, not so much. In fact we never were much like the early twentieth century in Europe, which is why they’ve had a hell of a time getting a foothold here.

The communist revolution is designed to work in a country that is mostly urban, with a vast urban underclass that can’t rise above for reasons both internal and external despite working unreasonable hours. It’s designed for a country with a firm aristocracy of the hereditary sort (even if that aristocracy is often from trade), it is designed for a country with a conscript army where the plum assignments go to the “good families” as a matter of course, it is designed to work—most of all and very importantly—in a country where they ABSOLUTELY control all the means of mass communication and do so without the vast majority of the people being aware of it.

The last time they could have pulled that off in the US was in the mid seventies. And my guess, honestly, is that they tried. I don’t know for sure, since the news of the time were all reported by biased sources, and besides I’m too lazy and too busy (yes, it’s weird. Often happens to me, though) to spend my day chasing down hints. I bet they did try, though. I bet they gave it a sporting try. And I bet part of the issue back then—as now, btw—is that they were pinning their hopes on a race war, having both not realized how much of a minority people of African descent are in the US (last estimate is what? 14%? Sizeable, sure, but not a large minority and certainly not a majority. Also, and seriously, a lot of that minority is middle class and whatever they voice from the mouth-out as uninterested as the rest of us in having the apple cart overturned. Apples are tasty. Genocide not so much.) Mostly because that sh*t was so successful in Africa, and again the left doesn’t think. It ritualistically applies “what worked” without being able to account for changed conditions.

Anyway, that was the last time they could have MAYBE credibly have followed their little red map to revolution and have it work. And even then Americans were just too darn contrarian. Why everyone and their parents were telling us that Republicans were so dangerous, that they were going to start the nuclear war, that—And we went and voted Reagan in. (Well, not me. I only worked towards it. I didn’t vote. I wasn’t a citizen and I’m not a democrat.)

In fact, America could have engraved on its door lintel “authorities can go f*ck themselves.” The left keeps forgetting that. And sometimes justifiably. Take their Covid-psy-ops. It worked. And it was all run on the “experts” and how important it was.

Uh uh. So, they think their control is back! They’re golden again, baby!

Yeah, not so fast. That one worked because a) even the most cynical Americans (born and raised) couldn’t imagine that anyone would be so evil and unprincipled as to cause famine in the third world by crashing the American economy solely to win an election. (The rest of us laughed in “man, you don’t know commies.”) b) it was coordinated and orchestrated all over the world, and they had a little help from China (and for the love of Bob why isn’t anyone questioning those “leaked” videos of people collapsing and dying in crowds that stopped coming from China the moment the virus hit America? HAS no one asked why these scenes haven’t happened anywhere in the west.) And Americans kept going “other countries wouldn’t close up only to manipulate American elections, right?” (Laughs in “you really really don’t know commies, do you?”) But of course they would. It’s the same elites in control everywhere, and Trump scared them.

The other thing they miss is that this is a trick that works only once. As it’s becoming glaringly obvious that the danger was grossly exaggerated and that this is utter and complete bullocks (yes, yes, people died. People die of the flu every year. And of other things too. “Tested positive on ridiculously high-gain test known for false positives” doesn’t mean they died OF Covid-19) the media has just burned another huge chunk of their credibility, even bigger than what it took to attempt to force us to vote for Hillary. Oh, and by the way, to the extent that Biden had real voters (a distinct minority of his counted-votes) and that those were lied too and told reassuring pap by the press, the press is already burning its credibility with them, like gasoline soaked paper in a bonfire. Mind you, for now the utter idiots might still believe that “ORANGEMANBAD” but the cognitive dissonance won’t long remain.

The media has been burning increasingly larger chunks of its credibility since it put everything on the pot to get the messiah, Barry Soetoro elected. Even they, with all their devotion, slavering lies and knee pads, couldn’t make people believe him a great president, or convince people they were prosperous when they were not.

They could convince people the Clintons were brilliant and their tenure a time of great prosperity WHILE THEY WERE IN OFFICE even if it crumbled afterwards. But with little Barry the simple, they couldn’t even keep it going while he was in office. (And partly this was, nota bene, because Clinton does love America. It’s a bit like a vampire loving humanity because humans are tasty, but he does love us, and he didn’t want to destroy the country as such. Barry however wants to punish us because in his deranged red-diaper mind, we’re responsible for his cool African daddy leaving him. People sense when they’re hated.) And he was an utter economic disaster, and that’s hard to hide. So, in the face of the greatest press in history, and the push for his handpicked successor, people shrugged their shoulders and voted for Trump, a dangerous wildcard as we thought at the time.

In fact, people did it again in 2020. The fact that they had to fraud massively at the last minute, and that the fraud was so blatant they won’t let any court investigate it is your million watt flashlight shining a danger sign to them in the night.

But they won’t heed it.

I’ve come to the conclusion most of the people manipulated by the media manipulation of the social and mass media are at this point…. the left. Which is kind of important to them, because at this point, the vast majority of the left (which are a minority in the country already or they wouldn’t have to fraud, fraud, and more fraud.) are not even useful idiots. They’re “go alongs.” They’re the people who—humans being social apes—instinctively attach to the strong horse, because it’s the ‘nice’ thing to do and they want to be in step with their times.

But their big problem is that the play they’re running with requires them to have FULL control of the means of communication and be able to sell—in full—their version of reality. And have people take it, unquestioningly forever.

It’s already falling apart. Oh, how they must have cackled and danced with glee as the 6th of January became tainted as “riots” even though compared to BLM and the rest it was barely bad behavior. (And even though there’s indications it had already gone massively wrong, since Trump started his speech late and spoke later than they expected, and didn’t lead people to the capitol. ALL of which they counted on. Oh, also, buffalo man? not a credible insurrectionist or revolutionary.)

You can tell that’s not sticking in various ways. First, they immediately got the expected reaction from the Republicans, which was to cave all along the line and start talking about the disgraceful riots. (Look, it’s not QUITE uniparty, Bitch McConnel notwithstanding, but the right are ABUSED SPOUSES. They reflexively cower when the left flexes its muscles.) But even as the left, hysterically, pushes the rhetoric to “attempted coup” and impeached orangemanbad for having a golden weasel for hair (unless you can come up with a better explanation) and having more votes than they could dream of, thereby forcing them to fraud in plain sight, the right is finding its spine. Don’t bitch slap Rand Paul. At least he’s saying our lying eyes are right.

The left is no longer controlling the narrative. Their lies are increasingly crazy and less credible, and people see that. At the same time people are losing trust in the press over the covidiocy and in the left, because six days into the usurper’s reign it’s becoming obvious the junta not only doesn’t have the best interests of America at heart, but doesn’t LIKE America much.

Sure, they have their five year plan. It includes purging the army of dissidents, and demanding their personal loyalty. In their echo chamber this is perfectly reasonable, you know. All the upper echelons who attend parties in DC will tell you this is perfect, and the grunts will do as told. Yeah.

And they’re going to confiscate guns. No, they’re really, really, really going to confiscate guns this time. Look, on facebook some weaselrat crawled out of the wood work to yell at us a propos nothing that everyone laughed at our redneck love for guns. (head desk) You see, they really think what works on them—insults and social shame—works on us too. Hell, I can’t claim to be a redneck, but my instinct was to smile and say “why, thank you kindly. We’ll see how they laugh when those guns are pointed at them.”

Gun control might have flown—did to an extent fly—in the seventies, but hell, these days we know what happens when you give up your guns. Again, they missed their window by, oh, fifty years or so.

Then they’re going to destroy our farms, our factories, our lives in the name of Global Warming, because, well, all their friends are scared sh*tless of Global warming. Except that well, we’ve been told we were all going to burn up so often even the short-term-memory bunnies no longer buy it. Except for the exquisitely indoctrinated and the media, it’s become a joke. “Excuse me, I have to go shovel some global warming off the driveway so we can go to work.”

They need FULL control of the press for this. They ain’t going to get full control of the press. In due time even Parler will be back, and besides most of us have already flown to different arrangements (I’m so fortunate to have kids in their twenties. There are so many places the left doesn’t expect us to be.) And people are ACTIVELLY working on alternatives to Amazon, to social media, to hosting sites. Because they “done pissed us off enough.” and Americans are always prone to trying to wade into the problem, even if all they have is a rag and a bottle of windex. (“Well, at least it can be a clean dumpster fire.”) I guess in world terms we are the guy. We see a problem, we solve, instead of sitting around the UN bitching and emoting.

SOME part of their addled, brain-damaged cult gets that it’s already not working, hence the brazen, bizarre attempt to pass all vote by mail, no challenges allowed, do as we say, peasant.

Well, maybe it will work. Bitch McConnel will try to help them, that’s for sure. But if it works, I declare it a wonderful opportunity to play the game on them. Let’s see, I have….. Counts again…. 300 characters in my head. Most of them are voting age. Do you discriminate against the differently existent? Then there’s the cats. Dead relatives. And— What? If they’re going to make the voting a joke, they should get a taste of their own medicine. And one of the things we are WAY better than they are at is COMPETENCE. At anything.

My guess is that an election under such rules will end up with a billion votes and nervous breakdowns on the left.

IF they’re smart, they’ll backoff before we get there, but alas, I’m very much afraid they ain’t smart.

I predict the next move on their part will be trying to make an example of someone like me—in fact someone exactly like me, you know, not big enough that everyone knows me, not willing to shut up under any circumstances, and …. weird. I.e. most of the people won’t get the science fiction thing—and my guess is they will fail, just as they have failed to sell us that Kyle Rittenhouseis white supremacist. In fact, our response to the Kenosha Kid should have served as their warning. And it sort of did, but only very briefly.

Mind you, we’re taking steps to be physically out of reach and hard to find, but my guess is whomever they attempt to destroy will instead become a folk hero.

Oh, and they will try very hard to purge the army.

And it really does seem they’re going full speed ahead with attempts at gun control.

And they’re going to attempt impeachment part two, while the nation looks in awe at how ridiculously insane they are. Because they really really really need to sell us on the idea that orangemanbad attempted a coup. But the more they poke at that narrative, the more it falls apart. And no matter how much they’re going to try to demonize Trump, they’ll also been dragging him to the limelight. Only idiots think this is a good idea.

From here on it only gets crazier. Their response to “well, that didn’t work” is NEVER “maybe I should examine why not.” Their response is always “double down.”

Am I saying it will be a piece of cake? Well, no. They have all the structures of government, and until they go far enough they have the force to enforce it. Besides, they’re importing more “caravans” which are mostly military age men, and by the way, from research Bill Reader did, members of communist organizations in their native regions.

But my guess is “real” immigrants, the vast wave they’re counting on, will fail to materialize. They’ve seen this show before, and they were already leaving under Obama, for the same reason.

And gang members and commies simply aren’t used to Americans. Nor are Americans about to turn in their weapons like good boys and girls. That doesn’t happen even in the North East.


It’s going to get chaotic and very very ugly. Briefly. On the good side, they’re continuing the good work that Donald Trump started. When this is done, it will be a clean sweep of both houses of congress, the courts (all of them) and yep, the agencies. Because the FBI and the CIA have revealed their hideous partisan faces. On the bad side, so have most mainline churches. I don’t know what comes next, but I know that at this point a snake-handling pastor who is not afraid of having in person meetings or preaching from the gospel has a good chance of capturing a vast chunk of America, no matter how strange his theology. Bad? Well…. maybe. A religiously unified America would be very scary to the rest of the largely atheistic world. Never frighten a little nation. It might kill you.

However, a word to the wise, if there are any, in the corridors of power, from the so called legislators, to the judges: Turn back now. You’re living in an echo chamber. You don’t know the real opinions of real people, because you’ve made it impossible to tell the truth without losing your livelihood, your family, everything you hold dear. And you have absolutely no clue how quick the preference cascade turns when the “go alongs” realize the majority isn’t where they thought it was.

If you throw your lot in with the left, you’re going to lose.

I grant you the most likely follow up to this is a Generalissimo Franco, but I bet you that too is temporary. Americans are too American for that to stick. Yes, even those of Latin ancestry. Only bloody racists would think otherwise, and the entire country isn’t the left.

Contemplate the fact that in the face of a barrage of demonisation and fear never before seen in the west, Americans hunched their shoulders and voted Donald Trump in such numbers the left had to fraud hard at the last minute and in plain view.

Contemplate that in no other country, not even the other anglophone countries is political blogging a big thing. (And it has to do with us being the citizen-rulers of this country.)

Contemplate that the people—THE PEOPLE—refused to turn on Kyle Rittenhouse.

Contemplate the fact that the narrative on January 6th is already in such tatters even lefty publications are admitting it wasn’t a riot, much less an insurrection.

Contemplate that the left put all its cookie chips on the right showing up to burn things and throw a fit at the FICUS Fraudoguration.

Contemplate that the public opinion is such they keep having to turn off comments on White House videos on the tube of ewes.

Contemplate that we’re really, really, pissed and you have our attention. And that the leftist narrative and that of its captive media are increasingly either ignored or seen as a contrary indicator.

And then go look at pictures of the Ceaușescus.

That’s what happens when a preference cascade occurs. In the morning, beloved leader on the balcony. In the evening, cooling meat.

We don’t want it to get there, but heaven knows the left is bound and determined to push the nation there. And they have absolutely no idea what they’re trifling with.

They’ve convinced themselves America is just like every other nation they destroyed.

They are wrong. And they’re creating mortal peril for themselves akin to driving blindfolded towards an abyss.

Throwing one’s lot in with theirs is highly inadvisable.

Not only is their map not the territory. Their map is written in crayon, includes imaginary lands, and is signed “turnip.”


Reprinted from According to Hoyt for January 25, 2021

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