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Number 1,103, January 31, 2021

They’ve convinced themselves America is just
like every other nation they destroyed.

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The Insanity Continues
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

I wasn’t even sure I was going to write about America’s current predicament, since I have found the whole affair quite depressing. Aside from the fact that all the last dich efforts to challenge the results of this farce of an election have failed, we ended up losing the Senate in the Runoff elections in Georgia to the Democrats. Not that it was that big of a surprise that we lost the Senate, since it is apparent that the state of Georgia isn’t capable of having fair elections. What is worse is that the Democrats and their lapdogs in the media have been doing everything in their ability to kick Trump and his supporters while they are down. First there was the fake outrage by the left over the riots that breached the Senate. I say that their outrage is fake, since none of these leftists showed any kind indignation towards the Antifa or BLM “protestors” that were burning and looting in cities all across the country. Off course it came as no surprise that they blamed this fiasco on Trump, since they pretty much blame everything a short of world hunger on the Don. Though I do find it laughable that they had to impeach Trump despite it being obvious that he would be long gone before they made any headway with it. Some say that they are doing to this to discourage Trump from ever running again.

Then we have all the big tech companies who have taken it upon themselves to deplatform Trump and several of his supporters from just about every social media site under the sun. Then you have the leftist who are demanding GOP congressmen such as Ted Cruz, who actually had the gonads to protest this joke of an election to resign. On top of that Ted Cruz’s old law school has many of its students and alumni who are demanding that he be disbarred. These are likely the same people who believed that Trump didn’t need an actual crime to be impeached on, since they apparently don’t believe that they need a legitimate reason to disbar somebody. The New York Bar is now trying to do the same to Rudy Giuliani for his legal representation of Trump.

Just when I thought the left couldn’t become any more unhinged, you have some representatives that are calling for Ted Cruz to be placed on a No-Fly list, for daring to question the legitimacy of Biden’s election. So, if Cruz is now a terrorist for not recognizing the legitimacy of an election, I guess the same would go for the Democrats who have been throwing hissy fits for the last four years of Trump’s reign. Then you have AOC who is talking about compiling a list of Trump supporters so that she can burn them. I don’t know if she was talking about blacklisting or going full medieval on anyone who supports Trump. Either way I find it frightening that people insist on giving this fool power.

I could just sit here and complain about how everything has been falling into the toilet, but I find that kind of defeatist talk depressing and not worth writing about. First, I want to point out that I think that while the odds have swung in favor of the left, I have a feeling the left suffers from much greater insecurities than they are letting on. The whole impeachment debacle reeks of desperation. It is obvious that they are still afraid of Trump and the movement that he started. We may be down, but we are hardly out. First, we need to deal with the cowardly GOP members who stood by why the election was stolen from us. While we currently have these turncoats occupying their positions, the integrity of our voting system will remain compromised, which will render the entire concept of voting pointless. We definitely need to get some decent Republicans to run in the primaries. Either that or the real conservatives in the GOP should seriously consider creating another party, which is something that is probably long overdue. We seriously need to do something fast, otherwise we will end up like the America in Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull books, where the country is split between red and blue states. Some say that it may be inevitable, but I am seriously hoping that they are wrong.

Before I conclude this article, I say this to the left and their cronies in the media: get over yourselves. You may have won for now, but we are hardly out. So, keep overplaying your hand and see what happens. You will be surprised to find that it won’t turn out like you hope. To all the cowardly RHINO’s out there, if you can’t stomach having to fulfill the promises that you make towards your voting base, then you should either resign or find a new party. Yes, I am looking at you Mitch McConnell. We shouldn’t even bother with reconciliation, since the left has made it abundantly clear that they will never be able to get along with us. So, wayward conservatives such as Sean Hannity, should stop trying to score Brownie points by condemning the rioters in DC. The left hates conservatives, libertarians, Trump supporters and just about everybody who opposes their agenda. There is nothing we can do to appease them, not that we should even consider it. After the way that they have acted for the last four years, why should we? Instead, we should be demanding that they call out Antifa and other extremists for the destruction that they wrecked upon the country all those months ago. Of course, they never will. They will try to make us denounce the KKK and neo-Nazis and just about everything else that is no longer relevant in 2021, just like they did after the Charlottesville fiasco. To those complaining about what has been going on with social media, I will give the same advice that I gave over a year ago. Besides taking away their status as public forums which gives them immunity from all kinds of liability, we should really consider abandoning all the mainstreams outlets for those that are lesser known. This is something that is definitely long overdue.

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