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Number 1,108, April 11, 2021

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Mike Murray

Letter from A.X. Perez

And the Gloves Come Off

So, Joe Biden believes that no amendment is absolute. I know he is specifically applying this to the 2nd Amendment, however, this is the can of worms he is opening: Congress can now establish an official American Church (if the First Amendment is not absolute). You can now be required to house and feed soldiers during peacetime and without compensation during peacetime, if the 3rd Amendment is not absolute. Any police officer at any time can search your house for the fun of it if the 4th Amendment is not absolute. You can be beaten until you confess, you can be sentenced to death at the arresting officers' whim, you can be tried over and over for the same crime, the government can seize your property at whim if the Fifth Amendment is not absolute.

Cutting to the Ninth, abortion, gay marriage, privacy behind closed doors for lovers and spouses, privacy period, the very right to live stop existing if the 9th Amendment is not absolute. You can be enslaved if the 13th Amendment is not absolute. You can be stripped of your "privileges and immunities" (civil rights) because of your race, color, condition at birth, origin, and/or creed if the 14th Amendment is not absolute. You can be stripped of your right to vote over your race, color creed, gender, income (ability to pay poll tax), and/or age if the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendment are not absolute.

I've left out a lot, but here's the bottom line, Joe Biden has claimed the power for the Congress and President to rule the country however they please and disavowed his oath to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Biden has finished the job of destroying American Democracy he accused Trump of beginning. It's not just about my opposition to gun control, it's about the fact that it is not the Presidents' (Any President, which is why I put the apostrophe in the plural possessive spot), to say the Amendments and the rest of the Constitution are not absolute restrictions on the power of government.

Joe Biden has two claims to fame: he was perceived as the only nebbish inoffensive enough to be able to not scare people into voting for Trump; He is the first president to come out and announce he intended to exercise his authority in disregard of the Constitution and to support Congress passing unconstitutional laws. He's not the first to actually do so, he's just the first to admit and brag about it.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Mike Murray

Libertarian Books

As a fan of both L. Neil Smith's and Sarah A Hoyt's books, as well as someone whose libertarian journey began with The Probability Broach, I'd like to recommend the work of Mackey Chandler. His "April" series is good, fun science fiction and and also an excellent primer on what a libertarian society might look like. The power of good fiction to make people think differently can be a powerful tool. It worked for me.

Mike Murray
[email protected]

[ Here is a link to Mackey Chandler's books at — Editor ]

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