Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,119, July 25, 2021

Democracy means that we are
ruled by the fools and idiots
and criminals of our choice.

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The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

What? It’s Saturday Night again, and I’m expected to write something for L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise? Time flies when yer having fun or fur or something, right? Right??


Well, I got a new watch. A Smart watch. We know how well the smart phone thing went, so…. wtf? What it was, was I wanted a pedometer to keep track of my walking. “Walk 5 miles a day,” said the doctor man, “And loose weight which you need to do for your own good.” Sheee... I ain’t that fat, doc, but okay. Went over to Academy Sports to get a pedometer. They didn’t know what that was.* “Step counter,” sez I. “Oh, here, you need a ‘fitbit’” sez them. Whole ship load of fitbits in a glass case. Yikes, look at the prices. They all count footsteps, so I got the cheapest one. $100, plus tax. It’s always plus tax isn’t it.

Of course when I got home, my son mentioned that I could have downloaded a free app for my smart phone that would do the same thing. Also, he had an old pedometer that his insurance company had bought him when his doctor told him the same thing some years ago.


Anyway, I decided to keep the smart watch fitbit gizmo, and also download a free app and compare the results (which differ wildly sometimes). Frankly I’m sad to see the Timex go, but wearing two watches is too much. I may reconsider. Right-arm watch, left-arm watch. I’ve also got a pocket-watch I could haul out.

And how skinny am I now? Not so fast, only down 15 pounds. Several more to go. Several miles-per-day to be added, as well. Working up to that. Gone from about 0.6-miles-per-day to about 1.5-miles so far. Slowly working up.


* I didn’t go over to the ammo counter for a good laugh like usual. Probably should have, though, the gloomy clerks there look like they need a pick-me-up. And not only are they always sold-out of ammo, they’re sold-out of guns, too.


And this shit has got to stop:

Senate Democrats propose requiring women to register for military draft
by Burgess Everett and Connor O’Brien
Senate Democrats are proposing a sweeping rewrite of the military draft laws aimed at requiring women to register for the Selective Service System, according to a draft authored by Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed and obtained by POLITICO.

The changes to Selective Service could be attached to the National Defense Authorization Act, a defense policy bill that’s one of the few pieces of legislation considered a “must-pass” by Congress. The move would reignite a contentious debate over whether women should be required to register for the draft, a move the House and Senate have each considered in recent years, though the change has never become law.

The language proposed by Reed (D-R.I.) would expand registration for the service to “All Americans,” striking explicit references to males. It’s expected to be considered during committee markup this week; floor action on the bill would wait until later this year. A spokesperson for Reed declined to comment.
[Read More]

If We The People aren't just a bunch of stupid jackasses, why do guys like this keep getting elected? And stay elected? Instead of strung up from the lamp-posts? Thinking about that one will keep you awake at night, for sure.


At least the Quest for The Flying Winnebago continues: Flying Motorcycle 300-mph. A good start!


This picture is really obscene, or at least disturbing:






What with the ammo shortage, some people will try anything:




I always wanted to talk to electricity.


Batteries not included … or needed



Well, anyway: Stay Deplorable, My Friends!

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