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Number 1,123, August 29, 2021

Mumbling, Bumbling, Stumbling Moron

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Letter from Chuck Bridgeland

Letter from Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Anonymous

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Chuck Bridgeland

RE August 15th Editor‘s Notes

And some good advice, which I myself am going to follow Real Soon Now, I betcha: How to encrypt your computer (and why you should)

Mac is easy, so they say. Windows is easy. Windows Home (no built in Bitlocker) is not so difficult. Get thee a copy of Veracrypt ( for free.

Linux is also easy, if done from the getgo on a new setup. Early in the process you get to the step where the disk is partitioned. Select the option (somewhere on the screen) to "set up LVM and encrypt the installation". Give it a passphrase when it asks, and proceed on.

I‘ve got encrypted file systems on pretty much everything that matters, now. Everything that leaves the house, for sure. I‘m less worried about someone finding something (I‘m pretty boring, really), as planting something unpleasant and incriminating on one of my computers. Maybe "they" (cue dramatic music) can get through it, but no point in making it easy.

One wonders, wouldn‘t Hunter Biden (and Anthony "Carlos Danger" Wiener and all the rest) have "people" to take care of securing stuff like this for them? Makes one wonder about the competence of the global conspiracy against all that is good.

Chuck Bridgeland
[email protected]

1) What is your only comfort in life and death?
Chuck Bridgeland, chuckbri at computerdyn dot com

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Letter from Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada


Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.

“Taliban sweep into Afghan capital after government collapses”

This is what happens to those who are too arrogant and stupid to learn the lessons of history. So much for American "exceptionalism".

Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

“OPEC Delivers Another Embarrassment for Joe Biden”, by Spencer Brown.

What a schmuck! Is he stupid or does he study for it?

I’ll never ever apologize for calling him “Joe Fool” othe Disasterville President. In office not even a year and he’s already beat Jimmy Carter’s record for the fast track to oblivion. And a total embarrassment. To go hat in hand to OPEC after taking a wrecking ball to the Keystone Pipeline almost first thing upon taking office is a new high in lows and in hypocrisy irony. In a way it makes me a little more hopeful that this administration will implode taking the Democratic Party with it and pave the way for a successor to restore America’s prosperity and sanity in the way of upholding the constitutional responsibilities of the federal government and get out of the way of the people who will make the nation great again and just want to live their lives.

I just hope we can survive as a nation in the meantime.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

L. Neil Smith asks if certain people are evil, stupid, and/or crazy. The left is evil enough to talk bullshit, stupid enough to believe their own bullshit, and crazy from living disconnected from reality as a result of believing their own bullshit.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez


Sure, I‘m repeating myself, but if we had a Parliamentary form of government instead of Presidential, Biden would have already lost a vote of no confidence and elections would be scheduled for before the end of September.

If Biden were a military officer, he would have already been relieved of duty and possibly facing charges for dereliction of duty for cutting out on our friends in Afghanistan and for disregarding intelligence reports that warned this was exactly what was going to happen.

Finally, Biden asked what our mission was in Afghanistan. After we decided to get out, and yes, that was something most people wanted, our first job was to safely evacuate the interpreters and others who worked with us and their families. This he failed to do.

At least he won‘t be distracted from doing his duties as President working the rubber chicken circuit raising money and votes for Democratic candidates in ‘22 and ‘24, as they will still probably feel his endorsement is the kiss of death.

Then again, that gives him more free time to mess up something else. Since he is going to be a lame duck president for the next three and a half years there is nothing to hold him back from doing his worst.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

The Almighty CCP ⇐ [ Requires sign-up and log-on, can’t find another link — Editor ]

I’m tempted to say be afraid. Be very afraid. And in a way it makes sense to take their display of economic and military power very seriously. Yet we must not let the war mongering policy wonks use that as an excuse to force a command economy on us and risk a confrontation that could plunge the world into a post apocalyptic dark age or letting the left wing apologists surrender our country to an obviously evil authoritarian regime.

I know if we can put a stop to policies that have us chasing our figurative tails in the likes of hellhole Afghanistan or Vietnam and debunk the self loathing enemies within who are systematically sabotaging our economy and the faith and credit of the Nation—America can quickly heal itself and prevail against China—or any other power on Earth without having to drop bombs or march mighty armies. The solution is Peace through Strength and a government respectful of the sovereignty of other nations and the liberties of its own citizens. It is incumbent upon the government of any nation to do right for its own people and the right of the people to alter or abolish any system destructive to those ends. The latter part doesn’t apply to people wanting to alter or abolish a mostly free constitutional republic or parliamentary system and replace it with something actually destructive to those ends. Namely a totalitarian system like socialism or fascism. That is pretty much what communist China is—founded on an ideology fit for the intellectual garbage can of any civilized society: Marxism- which was not a very fair exchange for what China gave the West—sounder, rational philosophies of Confucius and Sun Tzu in addition to deep water navigation, gunpowder and the printing press. Marxism may have welded China into the modern economic and military superpower it is today—but at the expense of a tragic evil that resulted in the murder of millions of human beings for the mere crime of being non compliant or suspected disloyalty because of their standing in the prior social order.

Yes they are 90 million strong. But 90 million is still a small part of a population of 1.3 billion people.

In the end it will be up to the people in China what becomes of the CCP. In the meantime it is up to the American people to bring their own government under heel and force it to provide for the common defense without trying to micromanage the internal affairs of other nations and to promote the general welfare without micromanaging the lives and affairs of its own citizens. That’s how we put an end to more future foreign policy disasters like Afghanistan and an end to the civil conflict that currently threatens to destroy us from within.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Men of Dishonor

At the end of the Vietnam War the USA abandoned the Montagnards and others who helped us fight against the Communists. I am still a bit tender on the topic. Hell, I‘m still irritable about the Tsilagi and other Indigenous people who fought alongside us going back to the Indian wars.

So excuse me if I have no kind words to say about the the failure of the Trump and Biden administrations‘ failure to plan and execute the evacuation of interpreters and others who worked with us to fight against the Taliban and these people‘s families before our exist from Afghanistan. As the Presidents at the time, these men failed to do their duty. More importantly, by their actions in this situation, these men and their advisors have demonstrated a failure to act honorably.

Of course, you may not share my opinion, and there may be facts I‘m missing. However, it would be nice if one of the candidates for president in 2024 was a person of honor.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

[ Men of Honor? In politics?—Editor ]

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Letter from Anonymous


“Evidently Rebecca Lau, chair of the Manhattan Libertarian Party and executive assistant to John Stossel, has said, ‘My opinion is that the unvaccinated should die’” ???


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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Texas Constitutional Carry

On Wednesday 1 September, 2021 Texas will adopt Constitutional Carry, allowing all persons over 21 legally permitted to own handguns to carry them in public without a license, either openly or concealed.

This law will not arm criminals or the mentally unfit, they were packing anyhow. Contrariwise, it will not make anyone with the price of a pistol, a holster, and ammo the next Dallas Stroudenmire. It definitely will not legalize stupid behavior while armed.

Finally, it should be noted that shabby clothing or not conforming to the appearance of a person of European ancestry should not constitute acting stupid while armed, however, it may be that that some LEO‘s may not have gotten the memo. Also, some may feel a need to pick on people regardless of race, color, or creed. Be polite, do your best not to give them an excuse to beat, arrest, and/or shoot you. On the other hand, don‘t act submissive, only polite, as this can also "provoke" misuse of authority.

Finally, invest the money you save because you no longer need to get a license on ammo for practice, when it becomes available.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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