Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,131, November 7, 2021

Night-Dark Wasting Time

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Collected Comments
by Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Collected Comments from Mr. Fullerton over the past couple of weeks:


Actually, The Bow And Arrow Attack Is An Argument Against Gun Control
Mass killings with primitive weapons are a rarity in the modern age because of guns. That was Neil’s argument in Lever Action when he discussed the Samurai banning guns from Japan. Because guns took away the advantage from warriors who are skilled in the use of primitive “sweat point weapons” he put it. I wonder how well that would go in Texas as opposed to Norway?


Bernie Sanders once said breadlines are good -- I grew up in Communist China and I can tell you they‘re not
They are in love with scarcity because scarcity is power. As for communist countries like the People’s Republic of China or Venezuela having income equality ; that is untrue because on George Orwell’s Animal Farm some animals are more equal than others.


Fellow actors blast William Shatner‘s flight to space
These Earth Firsters are starting to sound like Flat Earthers. Progressive thinkers ; they are anything but. They’re hopelessly stuck in the past and can only conceive of controlling and rationing out what already exists and are opposed to creating anything new. I’ll take the future of Star Trek or Buck Rogers in the 25th Century over their stagnant, depressing doom and gloom vision any day. As the Russian visionary Konstantin Tsilokovsky said: “Earth is the cradle of humanity but one cannot live in the cradle forever”. If we let these killjoys stop human life from expanding into space that cradle will become our grave.

I wonder if I’d get canceled if I posted this on social media?


I knew I saw this somewhere before!


Larry Sabato Says ‘White Backlash‘ and ‘White Resistance‘ Could Lead to Youngkin Win
CRT = Communist Race Theory. Brought to you by the likes of Bill Ayers & the Weather Underground. Why haven’t any of its critics made this connection yet?


Here’s why Bruce Springsteen’s blue-collar heroes have made Donald Trump their rock star
The long suffering Rust Belt may yet rise again. Funny thing—I heard one of those songs when I was out shopping earlier today.

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