Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,135, December 5, 2021

A Blinding Flash of the Absurdly Obvious

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Radical Environmentalism Poses Grave Threat to True Conservation Efforts

Every point we’ve argued over the years is in this article:

Radical Environmentalism Poses Grave Threat to True Conservation Efforts, by Gabriella Hoffman

It’s not about conservation and sustainable use but locking up natural resources to tank human prosperity and freedom and the creation of a scarcity economy with the environmentalists and their fellow travelers as the gate keepers who control the people by controlling access to the necessities of life which gives them the power of life and death over all.

No wonder they go apeshit when someone advocates nuclear power or transplanting an endangered species to a better habitat and give it a new lease on life. They don’t want to solve these problems. Only perpetuate them to justify their Forever War to save the planet.

The Green New Deal is not a means to an end in a sustainable society but a blueprint for a way of life under lockdown for the rest of Eternity.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Doing it on Purpose?

Honor thy father and mother (converse, parents behave in manner that earns respect); do not murder, do not commit adultery (do not engage in sexual behavior that will destabilize families), do not steal, do not bear false witness against your neighbor ( including spreading malicious gossip), do not covet for your neighbor’s spouse and property (as in psyching yourself up to steal, murder, commit adultery, and bear false witness).

Forget religion, violating these rules will tear a society apart. Violating them destabilizes families and/or destroys the trust needed to hold a clan, tribe, or larger society apart.

The problem is, people need a reasonably stable society to live in, "Every man for himself against the other, and God against us all (devil take the hindmost)" doesn’t work for creating a world in which you want to raise kids and grandchildren. Eventually people will turn to a tyrant to `create at least a reasonable illusion of stability and feel safe going to the grocery store for soup and sandwich fixings.

So, you have to ask, is there any political group actively promoting behaviors that will destabilize society and create the demand for a tyrant that will fix the mess?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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