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Number 1,135, December 5, 2021

A Blinding Flash of the Absurdly Obvious

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The Fall of Afghanistan
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Note: I know that it’s dated, but the last four months have been hectic.

Well, it has finally come to this. Afghanistan, the country that US forces spent twenty-years trying to secure, has been overrun by the Taliban. Joe Biden in his ever-infinite wisdom decided to withdraw in the most unorderly way possible. I can’t say that I am surprised. For starters I had a feeling that our involvement in Afghanistan was destined to fail, when we changed the original purpose of the mission, which was to avenge the three thousand souls that perished in the attacks on the World Trade Center to nation building. If history has taught us anything, long-term conflicts have never produced good results. On top of that empires have tried to conquer Afghanistan for two thousand years to no avail, which shows that it is one hard nut and it was unlikely that the United States would be the one to crack it.

It seems as if we can’t even learn from our own mistakes, starting in Vietnam, when we first saw this long trend where as Carrie Fisher said in Star Wars “We had a plan for getting in, but not one for getting out.” The trend would continue in both Afghanistan and Iraq, where our leaders dragged us into conflicts that had no apparent end in sight. In the case of Vietnam and Iraq there was the question of whether we had any business being in those countries to begin with. At least with Afghanistan, we had more of a justification to invade, though we compromised all moral high-ground when we decided to prioritize nation-building over bringing the 9-11 terrorists to justice. When our idiot leaders finally did decide to pull our troops out, they did so in the most unorderly fashion possible. Though the one thing that I can say about Saigon when it fell to the Communists in 1975, our troops had pretty much been out of the country for two years. In Iraq, it at least took a year or two before Isis was able to gain the kind of strength that they did after we had started pulling our troops out. Yet in Afghanistan, almost as soon as we pulled the troops out, the Taliban that we had spent so many man hours and tax payer funding trying to defeat took over the country in a matter of days. It also goes to show that training the locals to fight their own wars is also a waste of time and money.

Not that it should come as a surprise to anybody, but the Democrats decided to blame this disaster on Donald Trump, despite him not being in office anymore. Never mind that Trump at one point increased the number of troops in Afghanistan and the withdrawal didn’t happen until we were well within the first year of Biden’s presidency. Not to mention that Trump’s plan for withdrawal was much more orderly, since it involved making sure that all the civilians were airlifted out of there before threating the Taliban leaders with retaliation if they interfered with the withdrawal in any way. Trump also had a plan that involved making sure that our weaponry was secure. Now we have images of Taliban soldiers taking joyrides in the vehicles that was paid for with our tax dollars, while others walk around with our rifles slung over their backs. What is even better is the hundreds of American civilians who have been left behind and basically told that they are on their own.  Not to mention the poor abandoned service dogs that will probably be killed, since Islamic extremists aren’t known for their love of dogs. This should come as no surprise, considering how the administration that Biden was originally part of, handled the whole Benghazi debacle. Basically, throwing Americans to the wolves is something that Biden and his cronies have down to an artform.

It just goes to show how bad this disaster was, when you even have members of the mainstream media criticizing Biden for the way he handled the withdrawal. Except for MSNBC off course, who had the gall to tell the Republicans to stop overreacting. They also had an even bigger gall to blame this all on Trump, since they claimed that they were working with the timetable that he negotiated with the Taliban. Of course, what they fail to mention is that the people in the Biden administration actually deviated from Trump’s plan to make sure that we secured all of our armaments and got all the civilians out. Still, it’s Trump’s fault, somehow. This is a new low, even for MSNBC.

Though what I really find amazing is the way that Biden doesn’t even pretend to care about the civilians that were left behind. As bad as the Benghazi debacle was back in 2012, at least that particular administration pretended to care. They even created a bogus narrative to get the heat off of the administration. Biden doesn’t seem to care how bad this makes him or his administration look. He just smirks and goes on vacation while our civilians are left to rot. Somehow this guy got more votes than any president in American history. I don’t think so.

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