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Number 1,142, February 6, 2022

Government of the Elites,
By the Elites,
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Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Kent McManigal

Letter from A.X. Perez

Natsu he no tobira

Jeff Ganapolski put me wise on Facebook that there is a Japanese movie version of The Door into Summer. It is up on Netflix, it is in Japanese with English subtitles, and 21st Century Japanese aesthetics instead of 1950’s American esthetics. The story adapts well, witness to Heinlein’s mastery of his art.

It is a much better adaptation than Starship Troopers*, better than The Puppet Masters**, and not as good as Predestination (The Australian movie based on “‘All You Zombies-’”).

Hopefully, it will enjoy enough success on Netflix that someone springs for English dubbing. Even better, how about an American version that hews closer to the original version and is actually good rather than sabotages the Master’s work.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

* More and more I am growing convinced that Vorhoeven’s version of Starship Troopers is intended as a warning against militarism and jingoism leading to fascism (I forget the literary technical term for this.***), especially in light of the 2 sequels.

** I read that the studio cut off funding halfway through the film. Researching this I stumbled on WORDPLAY/Columns/15. Building the Bomb ( . Essentially, the movie was sabotaged by the studio heads.

*** After I turned off my computer and began preparing a tasty Sunday dinner (thus explaining why there is so much of me to love), I remembered that the term I was looking for is “Cautionary tale.” The movie version of ST is a cautionary about jingoism and militarism and its sequels, especially the third in the series, cautionaries of how these evolve into fascist tyranny.

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Sayin’ it again

I’ve noticed a suspicious silence in the mainstream media regarding gun control. I suspect this is due to the left figuring they have enough going on without stirring this pot.

Thought this would be a good time to share this again, both on Facebook and TLE:

Rod Ansell, one of, if not the, man Mick “Crocodile” Dundee was based on, died in a gunfight with police back in 1999. He thought the police were coming after him over guns. Ansell was no innocent, part of the way things went was due to him being a little crazy from drug abuse. That said, it is an example of at least one Australian dying as a result of resisting gun confiscation laws. This is in a society in which gun ownership has historically been a government granted privilege. There is a myth that the people of Australia all peacefully surrendered their guns. Turns out only 1/3 of the guns were turned in and at least one person was killed resisting this confiscation. If people who view gun ownership as government granted privilege resisted this much, how much resistance will you get in a society that views gun ownership as a God given right?

There are many myths in the gun debate on both sides. Perhaps if we were comparing fact instead of espousing competing mythologies we could resolve the debate on guns, or just about any political issue.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Until I read The Cat Who Walked through Walls, I thought Mike had gone into hiding to avoid being deified and made dictator of the Moon, thus destroying the freedom for which he had helped Mannie Garcia fight. (See The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress)

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

See what it gets you

Around 618,000 to 750,000 people died fighting in the War of the Secession (mostly from illness on campaign, or in other words they would not have gotten sick if they hadn’t been to war), about 2% of the population then. The last person receiving a pension from the Civil War died in June of 2020 (Daughter of veteran of War whose wife married him in his dotage to inherit pension. Man fought on both sides, drafted into CSA, deserted and joined USA. There is a perfection there.). That’s when we finally finished paying for the Civil War. The dollar lost about a third of its value during the War and never returned to pre-war value.

Please note that the only political leader of the Civil War killed was Abraham Lincoln, the real instigators on got out rich and fairly powerful (admittedly the Yanks did better than the Confederates), Also note that an extra 50,000 civilians were killed in the Civil War. The American Civil war was reasonably “clean,” compare the number of civilians killed in the Taipei Rebellion. Also note that the Comanche and Kiowa pushed the Texas frontier back 100 miles during the war.

If Alt-right and Antifa’s leaders (Or whatever they are calling themselves this week) or others working at it succeed in starting a Civil War, they won’t die fighting it, we will. They won’t go broke from paying for the war and war time inflation, we will. They won’t be murdered or have their loved ones murdered in atrocities, we will. Meanwhile, most of the leaders of these movements on both sides will come out of it richer and more powerful regardless of who wins.

So, if you want bread to go to $10.00 a loaf, mourn loved ones killed by soldiers who were supposed to protect them, watch half the Southwest seized by Mexico, Washington State and Vermont seized by Canada, and Nothern California and Oregon occupied by China, and a debt run up that your great-great grandchildren will die paying just keep empowering these sociopaths.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Kent McManigal

Re: Up Your Preps, by Jim Davidson [in this issue

Here's a list I've printed off and use as a reminder of what I might need to focus on:

Yuàn yuán lì yǔ nǐ tóng zài

Kent McManigal
[email protected]

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