Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,152, April 17, 2022

When anybody’s rights are threatened,
everybody’s rights are threatened

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letters from Sean Gabb

Letters from Jeff Fullerton

Buses Are Being Dispatched to Send Illegal Immigrants from Texas to Nation’s Capital
Abbott said at a news conference Wednesday that Texas would be transporting the migrants "to the United States Capitol, where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border."

Since Mr Disasterville invited them to come here; he really ought to take them in personally and issue an executive order to build a tent city or park a thousand FEMA trailers on the grounds of the Washington Mall. Based on personal experience there’s no better place I can think of to site a refuge camp. The congressional democrats can work the soup kitchen (which for many of them will be the most productive and honest thing they’ll ever do during their entire political careers) and the amenities of the Smithsonian Museums, the Washington Monument , Lincoln Memorial, Capital building and the US Botanical Garden are right there and they can also go study at the Library of Congress. And ride the Metro rail to shop in Alexandria or visit the National Aquarium or the Zoo!

And the “government fries” in the restaurant in Smithsonian are probably still out of this world! Seriously they’re the best. This is one of the few things the federal government does seem to be able to do right.

* * *

Rush Limbaugh Did His Best to Ruin America – Rolling Stone

They always excel at the art of projection and are now a smashing success at achieving a self fulfilling prophecy of chaos and catastrophe. The proof is in the pudding and the daily newsfeed.

* * *

Joe Biden Is Such a Joke...Even Saudi TV Is Mocking Him

Even Jimmy Carter didn’t have it this bad. Saturday Night Live it’s not but it’s enjoyable to watch once.

* * *

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Sean Gabb Newsletter, 15th April 2022
(See Below for Republication Rights)

Dear All,

Here is an experimental post, attempting to show the latest activity on the Free Life site.

Best regards for Easter,



Maintaining the Right to Doubt

U.S. Cancels Countries, Kills Ancient, Civilizing Concept Of Neutrality

Hoppe on SERVUS TV: On State, War, Europe, Decentralization and Neutrality

Mariupol: Let’s Talk About “Chemical Weapons” Propaganda

Ut Quoque Mali Simus Nos Mali Furiant

Making a Case for the Greeks (Video)

More on the Covid Scam

Bojo Pulls it off

COVID-19: Are We Over the Final Hump? – Part 3

Attention! Deficit Disorder!

Rishi Sunak offers advice to the poor


COVID-19: Are We Over the Final Hump? – Part 2

COVID-19: Are We Over the Final Hump? – Part 1

Ukrainian Immigration

Best wishes to all,

[email protected]

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