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Number 1,166, July 23, 2022

Submission to evil men is the greatest of all sins. — H. Beam Piper

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Albert Perez

Letter from Albert Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Dictator Envy

Another good one from John Stossel. It’s something like penis envy for politicians who feel emasculated by the restraints of a constitutional system.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Albert Perez

beating the topic to death

I keep coming back to this. Gun control laws were made to keep Black people, Native Americans, immigrants (especially in New York, The Sullivan Act) and poor White people in their place.

Their purpose was and is to restrict control of firearms to a privileged elite. If I keep returning to their use to oppress Black people it is because it appears so many Black leaders have sold out to the elite. Also, there seems to be a trend of arguing that if Black people can't have guns, neither should anyone else. Also, many of the current hysterical arguments for gun control are aimed at keeping guns away from White racists. So, disarm one group out of racism and others for being racist and stir up the hate so they're too crazy to be trusted with guns any how. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov would be proud.

Black Gun Owners React to Supreme Court’s Concealed Carry Decision

The latest Supreme Court ruling guarantee’s the Second Amendment right of people to carry their firearms in public space for “self-defense,” according to the Los Angeles Times. As we know ...

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Albert Perez

Fight for your rights

In 1995 Texas finally began to allow people to carry concealed handguns on their person with a license. Open carry was still illegal. Over the next 26 years Texas allowed people to carry handguns concealed in their car without a license, reduced the minimum caliber to use in the shooting test to qualify to get a license, lower the fee to get a license, debated free licenses, legalized open carry, legalized concealed college campus carry, and finally went to Constitutional carry in 2021. Along the way laws restricting edged weapons and banning clubs (including tomahawks) and brass knuckles were eliminated.

In 1995 Vermont was the only state practicing Constitutional carry, some other states permitted open carry without a license but required a license for concealed carry. In 2003 Alaska became the next state to adopt Constitutional carry, by 2022 it is the law in 25 states. In 1976 Georgia passed one of the first shall issue concealed carry license laws, by the time of the Bruen case shall issue was the already the law in 43 states, Bruen made it the law throughout the US.

Dobbs allowed several states to outlaw or severely restrict abortion. 24 states have laws permitting abortion and protecting abortion rights. This is a head start from where people struggling for gun rights were thirty years ago. Getting laws passed at the state and Federal level reinstituting the rights promised by Roe v. Wade is doable, and the roadmap on how to accomplish this has been drawn out by those of us who have been fighting for gun rights over the years.

Notice that I have not expressed my opinion on abortion, I merely spell out the fact that if people are willing to work for it restoring abortion rights is doable.

One of the few things I agree with the Clintons (Spit between fingers to right and left, as if against the evil eye) is that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare." I figure this will lead to fewer abortions than the world our misleaders are creating in which abortion is unsafe, illegal, and common because women don't want to bring children into the shithole said misleaders are trying to make out of the United States.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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