Number 1,207, May 14, 2023

Reality has never read philosophy. — Dick Hamilton

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Jeff Fullerton on Jesus Was a Democrat - YouTube

Albert Perez on Re: The Right to Own and Carry Weapons

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Jesus Was a Democrat - YouTube

According to Yankee Jack.
Just when I was starting to like this guy.

His song “Botox Bimbo” just cracks me up. I found this and I listened and I listened carefully and objectively because I take philosophical messages embedded in music and art seriously and the lyrics sounded sincere so I don’t think he’s being sarcastic. Guess you can’t trust a guy with the handle “Yankee”. And I’m probably going to hell too because it’s going to be a cold day there when I seek salvation by embracing self immolating cut off your nose to spite your face altruism and self sacrifice to the greater good. Or support a party that wants to save the planet by making the majority of us starve or freeze to death in misery or play Russian Roulette with the prospect of nuclear war.

I noticed one of the lines in the song said “they’ll give us peace”, so it was probably written during the Bush administration when the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were in full swing. I wonder what he thinks about the interventions of the Obama administration in Syria and Libya and his failure to deliver on the promises to end the other wars and close GITMO? Or the hawkish posture of the Biden administration- especially the words ridiculing the Second Amendment as a check on tyrannical government on the grounds the federal government has F-15s and nukes.

Not to mention the long standing history of the Party for getting the country into foreign wars- Woodrow Wilson- WW1. FDR - WW2. Lyndon B. Johnson : Vietnam. And for using wars as opportunities to push central planning and punishing political enemies with sedition laws and turning their own countrymen like those of Japanese heritage (and Germans and Italians too) into scapegoats and putting them in internment camps? Or in the case or German immigrants- sending them back to Hitler to be persecuted or killed. And they also sent Russians who defected back to Stalin.

And they’ll do it all over again if they think they can get away with it.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Albert Perez

Re: The Right to Own and Carry Weapons

In "The Right to Own and Carry Weapons" L. Neil Smith references the Wall Street Putsch that General Smedley Butler exposed, and which many historians claim was not as great a threat as claimed*. He mentions concern that an armed populace might have supported such a putsch to protect themselves from FDR's Socialist leanings. Of course, the opposite is true, that an armed population could and would resist a Wall Street Junta if they believed it threatened their freedom and economic interests**. The point is that an armed populace is difficult to subjugate to tyranny.

Interestingly, It can be argued that what led Gen. Butler to expose the Wall Street Putsch was keeping his oath to support and defend the Constitution, which a military takeover would have obviously violated. I mention this because many politicians. both left and right. pander to a belief that their is a higher good that justifies junking the Constitution. Some do so because they honestly believe this. Others profess this believe in blatant demagogic appeal to peoples "worse angels," fear and delight in imposing their will on their neighbors.

*This provides the plot point of the recent flop movie Amsterdam.

**Anyone claiming a Wall Street Junta would not have provoked armed resistance need only look up the Harlan County War.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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