On Buttons and Clicks, by L. Neil Smith
Letters to the Editor
from Freedom Book Club, Jim Davidson, A.X. Perez,
Donald Meinshausen, Andrew G Eggleston Sr., A Reader, Crazy al, and Rex May
You Can't Fight a Culture War
If You Ain't Got Any Culture
by L. Neil Smith
The news was very bad the day I started writing this speech.
Not in the traditional "Old Media"where there's never anything but
bad news (mostly government threats and lies which it's their principal function
to convey to the populace)but in the only source of good news in the Known
Galaxy, the internet.
"A Dog Named Liberty"
Commentary by Ron Beatty
A few days ago I ran across this short essay in a Harry Potter
fanfic.It immediately struck a chord in me, and I e-mailed the author of this short
piece to ask permission to use it in an article.The author, Jack Nalett II, who
writes under the pen name of Hamilton Wrye or Hamm on Wry, very graciously granted
me permission to use it, in whole or in part.I hope you will read it, and my
comments afterword.
Coming to Aid an Old Ally
by Don Meinshausenyour Borg warner
As liberals in power in Washington DC and many others have
correctly observed fascism is bankrupt, at least morally. Liberals are also big
into historical preservation. They are also very much into recycling. They also
believe that the state should help corporations and vice versa with the emphasis
on vice. So in the current trend of rescuing bankrupt organizations and historical
preservation and recycling discarded ideas liberalism has come to the rescue of
fascism by nationalizing this noted historic relic.
United Breaks Guitars
...and suitcases, and promises, and most of the Ten Commandments
The Kaptain's Log
by Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada
Well shipmates, if you haven't seen the latest "viral video"
at YouTube by now, you should do so.It's entitled "United Breaks Guitars" and
recounts the sad but true story of a massacre of musical instruments by one of
the many incompetent, inhuman commercial airlines.
Global Warming HysteriaThe Road to One World Socialism
by Lion F Batoosta
It should not be news to libertarians that the collapse of
the Soviet Unionthe fountainhead of world socialismin December of 1991
set off a crises amongst all the leftist, socialist and communist organizations
around the world. Suddenly their arguments of equality and state planning had
the ground swept under them. Not ready to concede defeat, they needed another
argument, another rationalization which they could use to browbeat the public
into accepting state controls and regulations over the private industry.
Robert McNamara, Roast in Purgatory
by John Amendall
The architect of the Vietnam war is dead. He was a loathsome
and despicable creature, and it is good that he is dead. He was one of the worst
Americans ever.
Honduras Coup d'etat: Was It Right Or Wrong?
by Russell D. Longcore
On Sunday, June 28, 2009, Honduran President Manual Zelaya
was awakened from his bed by the sound of gunshots and the yelling of his guards.
About 20 minutes later, Army soldiers took Zelaya from the palace to a waiting
plane. He was flown against his will to San Jose, Costa Rica, where he now lives
in exile.
Real Inflation
by A.X. Perez
Mr. Jim Davidson lately stated that we paid for the
Vietnam war with inflation. While there were other issues that contributed to
the 1970's inflationary cycle the fact is we are relatively poorer now than then.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 32 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!