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Letters to the Editor
from Curt Howland, A.X. Perez, Ken Valentine, Jim Donaldson, Rex "Baloo" May,
and Sean Gabb
Corporations, Mercantilism, and Capitalism
by L. Neil Smith
People tend to have mixed feelings about corporations. Just as it's said
that "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die," it's equally true that everybody
wants a secure job with good pay and generous benefits, but nobody wants to spend their lives in
a cubicle, or on an assembly line. Likewise, everybody wants inexpensive goods and services of a
reliable, predictable quality, but nobody wants to surrender their freedom of personal choice or
individual sovereignty.
by A.X. Perez
I think it was Heinlein who one time wrote "Don't expect people to be better
than they are or put up with them being worse than they have to be,"or words to that effect.
There are several reasons to subscribe to this theory, especially if one subscribes to minority
political beliefs.
by Jim Davidson
It now appears that Tony Hayward and his associates committed mass murder. It
has been previously thought that the British Petroleum company, formerly known as Anglo Iranian
Oil company, had been negligent in its actions with regard to the Deepwater Horizon rig. Hayward
has been caught on camera belly-aching that he wants his life back. I say he should spend the rest
of his life paying compensation to his victims.
Faux Christians as Worshippers of Dionysius
by Bob Wallace
Poor Nietzsche. Half genius, half insaneand after his untreated syphilis
advanced far enough, totally insane. The trigger for his breakdown was when he saw a horse being
beaten. He threw his arms around it, sobbing. He never recovered, and ended his days in an insane
Weimar mark, Yugoslav dinar, USA dollar
by Jim Davidson
In the long history of the externally imposed coercion of the centralised
state, there have been many experiments with fiat money. What is fiat money, and who can we
blame for it?
Textbook Controversy part 2
by Sean Gangol
In the first part of this article I discussed the controversy behind the
changes made to the textbooks by the conservative members of the Texas Board of Education.
People on the left, as well their allies in the mainstream media, have ranted about their
fears of conservative bias in the textbooks. As I wrote in the first part of my article,
the controversy for the most part seems overblown. Of course I haven't really seen the
textbooks for myself, so the only word I have to go on is that of the mainstream media,
which I don't put much stock in. In the second part of this article I wanted to discuss
another form of bias that never seems to make the headlines. Like I said in part one, most
of the bias that I have seen in the textbooks, usually leaned to the left.
I Own My Body, NOT The Government. So Why The Hell Do THey Think They have The Right To Tell Me What I Do With It??
by Neale Osborn
Who owns your body? I mean the physical shell your mind inhabits, and also the
products MADE by that body/mind combo?? When I put it that way, does it make you think? So who does
own it? To me, it is as clear as the clearest pane of glass ever made. Each and every single one of
us is the SOLE owner of our body. Not Uncle Sam. Not Uncle State. Not our husband or wife. Not our
children. (Hang on, don't break out the flaying knives!) So, what does this mean to the average Joe
or Jane? It means that we've allowed someone to take over our physical property, and we haven't even
fought them over it.
Secession and Legal Tender Laws: Washington and Bankers Win, You Lose
by Russell D. Longcore
We talk a lot here at DumpDC about monetary policy, most specifically the concept
of sound money backed by gold and silver. When gold and silver are the only form of money, there is
NO inflation... EVER. Inflation cannot occur with a "hard money" system. (For more, go to the Archive
section and dig around.)
Interesting Times, Important Persons
by Jim Davidson
It is a 1936 classic, probably a lie told by a British diplomat (bureau-rat) that
there is an ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times and come to the attention of
important persons." No such curse has been found in Chinese literature of antiquity. We certainly
live in the interesting times. One crisis after another. Expect rioting this Summer and Autumn, by
the way. The USA senate, which was able to justify endless hundreds of billions for the banking
gangsters has been unable to come up with the votes for extending unemployment benefits. Hundreds
of thousands are now out of money, with nothing more to come. By September it'll be in the millions.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 82
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 82 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!