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Letters to the Editor
from, Rex "Baloo" May, L. Neil Smith, Jim Davidson,
Andrew G Eggleston Sr., Tom Kozan, Paul Bonneau, A.X. Perez, Richard Bartucci, IL Fettucinni
(a.k.a. Fred James), and Michael Bradshaw
Eight Out of Nine
by L. Neil Smith
I found myself invited, this morning, to participate in an online
poll concerning the Texas School Board's planned purchase of "science" textbooks giving
undeserved acknowledgement and respect to that great stinking mountain of superstitious
Neolithic garbage called "creation science".
Agorism and the Agorists
by Diana Culda and Harry Felker
As of late it has become apparent that new ground, though I am sure
it is not actually very new, has to be struck. In the spirit of experimentation I had put
the principle of statelessness in the foreground and set my others to a side, in part due
to my interaction with one "Danzilla" Brown and his idea of anarchism without adjectives.
I have learned a thing or two in this time, trust my instincts and trust my wife, funny
thing is Diana bought me a shirt which reads "I don't need an encyclopedia, my wife knows
it all!" This seems to be the case when regarding this subject, for what I can assume was
in benefit of this experiment she did let a lot slide for a long time before she had become
very frustrated and it would seem we reached this point together.
by Jim Davidson
You have to give it all up: fear; doubt; uncertainty. You have to
free your mind. Free your mind, the rest will follow. Disobey. Break your chains. You
do not find purpose. You choose purpose. You sit, you think, you write, until you have
a purpose in life.
The Legacy of Aaron Zelman
by Sean Gangol
I know this tribute is a little late, but for the past few months I
have found myself busy with other matters and I have just recently gotten around to writing
again. I was saddened to hear about the passing of Aaron Zelman last December. I never had
the pleasure of meeting the man, but I feel that his legacy has influenced me in ways that
I am just now realizing. One of the biggest influences he had on me was his creation of Jews
for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), the most aggressive freedom fighting
organization in the country. I discovered the organization back in 2000, the same year I
joined the NRA and bought my first .22 caliber rifle.
by Jim Davidson
The German word is schwerpunkt and it is used in a recent essay
by John Robb. The English word is "focus." The focal point for an attack, or an action,
should be some point on the critical path of your enemy's system. It should represent some
key dependency. You want to attack everything important to your enemy, of course, in order
to win. But you have limited resources. In fourth and fifth generation warfare, you may have
very few resources of any kind.
Authority: God vs. Man
by Doug Carkuff
One of my guilty pleasures in life was watching the Showtime series
The Tudors. It is great fun watching King Henry petulantly subjecting his subjects
to his whims and hacking off heads and torturing people as it suits him. I have no idea
with respect to historical accuracy of any of it except in the broadest sense, but it was
pretty darn entertaining. Aside from the entertainment value of Henry's escapades, what I
was most struck by is that so many people were willing to subordinate themselves and to
sacrifice and throw away their lives for a complete artifice. Here is a clue for those
who do not know. There are really no such things as kings and emperors.
Silence Like a Cancer Grows
by Jim Davidson
There used to be a constitutional monarchy, with a Magna Carta
that, among other things, guaranteed to yeomen the right to keep and bear arms. But today
the British are told that they have no written constitution, the Magna Carta is kept hidden
from view in one of the queen's castles, and the people are not only disarmed, but watched by
creepy cameras everywhere. Now, that was AD 1215, Runnymede, and the original Magna Carta,
the original "liberty by law," the first of the attempts to limit government power with a
written agreement.
The Truth About ANWR
by Unknown
Remember these pictures every time you pull up to the pump and
the prices are up again. ANWR, ALASKA... This is the best presentation on ANWR I
have seen. I would like to add a little more information.
Nullification Is Dangerous
by Jim Davidson
The nullification of the whiskey tax by Pennsylvania farmers was a
key event in the history of the United States. It seems to me, based on my limited reading
of the events surrounding the "Whiskey Rebellion" that Alexander Hamilton deliberately
pushed to have the writs of summons issued to distillers just before the Congress voted
to make the tax much less onerous because he wanted to provoke violence. Some authors
think Hamilton had been working towards this moment since the Newburgh Crisis in 1783,
where he conceived of using military force to crush popular resistance to direct taxation,
for the purpose of promoting national unity and enriching the creditor class at the expense
of common taxpayers.
by Edwin E. Smith
Watching the almost continuous news of the magnitude 8.9 earthquake
and the resulting tsunami that first shook to pieces then inundated thoroughly with seawater
the northern Japan city of Sendai I was struck with the absurdity of the failure of the backup
systems at the nearby Fukushima Nuclear generating site.
I Like Big Knives
Anatomy of a Bowie
by L. Neil Smith
In the first item in this series, I quoted Russell T. Johnson, Arkansas
culturalist and researcher, who defined a Bowie knife as being " ... long enough to use as a
sword, sharp enough to use as a razor, wide enough to use as a paddle, and heavy enough to
use as a hatchet." I agree with that definition, as far as it goes, and celebrate it.
A Very Oddly-Shaped Thought
by L. Neil Smith
If everybody worked for themselves, I'll bet somebody would form a
Self-Employed Union to demand higher wages and better working conditions from themselves.
Coffee, Tea, or Mad Dog 20/20?
by Mike Blessing
First came the Tea Party movement[1], sparked by massive, peaceful
protests in American cities. (2009 / 2010) The name comes from the Boston Tea Party of
16 December 1773, where the Sons of Liberty "disguised" themselves as Indians, boarded
British cargo vessels docked in Boston Harbor, and threw the tea in those ships' holds
into the harbor.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 116
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 116 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!