Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 716, April 14, 2013

The "Don't ask, don't tell" style of concealed carry

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Letters to the Editor

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L.Neil Smith Receives the Freedom Book Club Book of the Year Award—YouTube

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L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

Down With Power front cover
Down With Power
by L. Neil Smith
A way to fix America that is consistent with history and human nature.
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I Don't Like To Brag, But...

...those who have read my novel Ceres will recognize immediately much of the following I anticipated ...

Ceres, by L. Neil Smith:

Born and raised on the terraformed asteroid Pallas at 1/20th of Earth's gravity, young Llyra Ngu is determined to ice skate competitively on humanity's home planet. To accustom herself to the higher gravity, she must work her way up to it, training on a succession of worlds—Ceres, Earth's moon, Mars, finally Earth.

Along the way, she, her asteroid-hunter brother Wilson, and her trainer, Chechen refugee Jasmeen Khalidov, have many adventures, being attacked and later held hostage aboard a hijacked spaceliner by enviro-fanatics who would end mankind's presence in space. Traveling with Llyra and Jasmeen, we see an almost stateless Solar System as it could be by the 22nd century.

L. Neil Smith's CERES, a Prometheus Award finalist in 2012, is published by Arc Manor/Phoenix Pick and offered at and B&, in trade paperback and electronic form. Group discounts available.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

Ceres cover
by L. Neil Smith
Click cover to buy from
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble

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Re: "An Emergency Message to Those Who Value Freedom" by L. Neil Smith

Dear Editor:

For my part, I was finally legitimately able to sign up for the Free State Project. (When I give my word, I'm very serious. I wouldn't sign up while I knew I could not move. Sadly, that's no longer a problem.) I'm committed to move there as soon as one of several triggering events occur. That's how I'm going to "change the world". Since I'll be retired, I can campaign, demonstrate, and anything else I can to mess up "The Establishment".

Molon labe,
[email protected]

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I am Mr. Vinod Thomas, The World Bank Director-General, Evaluation. This message is based on the meeting which the United Nation (UN), European Union (EU) and African Union (AU) held in London United Kingdom on 15th of August 2011 regarding your expenses which you made for failed Transactions like Contract Fund, bank transfer, Lottery Fund transfer and inheritance fund. According to the International Monetary Funds Agency (I.M.F), they discovered that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed by corrupt officials of the Banks And Legal Attorneys who are Trying to divert your money into their private accounts, and we want to use this opportunity to inform you that some of this fraudsters has been curbed and their account has been also frozen, regarding to the meeting the UN, EU, AU held, all the money that was recovered from their account must be used to compensate the victims. This is to fight crime and corruption/fraud globally and you are advice not to fall in to their hands any more after.

Note: You are advised to contact the PAYMENT CENTER to set up for this payment by WORLD BANK with your contact details . And also be informed that the amount to be paid to you through an ATM CARD/BANK TRANSFER is $8,500,000USD . Meanwhile, PAYMENT CLAIM CENTER {PCC} have received your payment authority/irrevocable release/unconditional payments guarantee by the executive directors of United Nation (UN), European Union (EU) and African Union (AU) to pay you this $8,500,000USD. You are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail to the Logistic Payment Center Department by email listed below.

Payment Center and Logistics Vaults
Contact Name: Mr. Allen David
Email: [email protected]

We will be waiting for your swift email response to enable our payment officer to guide you through on how you are to receive your funds without any further delay.

Congratulations in Advance.

Mr. Vinod Thomas,
The World Bank Director-General, Evaluation
[email protected]

[ Well all right! I been wanting to retire and move somewhere warm and green and pleasant and have myself a airplane and a boat and a big house with servants and all that rich people stuff, and it looks like now is my chance! Eeeehaaaaw! Huh? Oh come on don't be silly, if it came from the 'net it's gotta be true. Right? Huh? No? Shucks.—Editor ]

No "Pay the Author" for these guys!

"Luke's Change" argues Death Star's downfall was an inside job

(Found at

Did you ever notice (he said in his Andy Rooney voice) that the only individuals who consistently tell the truth in Star Wars are the villains? All by himself, Obi Wan Kenobi is the biggest liar in the galaxy. Yoda comes in second.

And yes, I stll believe the government's 9/11 story is a baldfaced lie.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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"Why don't you like cops?" video

Or: direct link

Kent McManigal Jolly Roger
[email protected]
Read all my writings at
Get your own website here

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Re: The Logical Proof for Rightful Individual Liberty

I used to think along these lines, but I am very doubtful any more. See my article here: Freedom is Not an Intellectual Pursuit

One does not need to "prove" liberty. We're talking human relationships here, not mathematics.

Anyway there were some pretty collectivist statements in that proof that I thought were amusing, such as "All behavior that directly and proximately harms another is naturally forbidden by society." Society doesn't do squat; only individuals do.

"The primary law that naturally governs the behavior of all individuals in all societies is: do not harm another." Sez who? If that is the law, then it is the most ignored law ever. As far as I'm concerned, the real "law" (actually, tendency) is that all individuals work in what they perceive to be their own interest. That is actual observable behavior.

I like Mencken's take on it: "All I ask is freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow." Nothing there to prove.

Paul Bonneau

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Forwarding Definitely One For Dog (Animal) Lovers!

This is beyond a "nice story"—it's fantastic!!!

Momma dog 01

During an early morning response to a house fire, firefighters were amazed... A Mother dog risked her life to save her puppies from the fire surrounding the burning house... The Mother dog, Amanda, raced back and forth between the house, putting her 10 day old puppies in the safest place she could find—a Fire Truck!...

Momma dog 01

As an onlooker photographed it with his cell phone after she already had a few in one of the truck's equipment compartments. She didn't stop racing back into the smoke and fire until all of her puppies were safely away from the fire.

Momma dog 01

The firemen on scene could not believe their eyes. Most people have never seen a dog this smart or this brave! Bringing each one out, six trips into the fire and no one could stop her.

Momma dog 01

All the firemen could do was to try to keep a little water spray on her to keep from singeing as she kept making trips running through the open door. You can see some of the singed hair on her back end, forehead and lower legs. After rescuing all of her pups from the blaze, Amanda sat down next to them to nurse, protecting them with her body. Onlookers called an emergency veterinary service, and she and her pups were rushed to the hospital. Aside from one puppy being treated for serious burns, the entire family are alive and well! Thanks to the bravery of Amanda! What a heroic mother! How Great!!!

Momma dog 01

Marc V. Ridenour
[email protected]

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