Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,056, February 2, 2020

The people could not be given what they had asked
for. It would set a precedent. Give them that, and
they would start believing they lived in a
democracy where votes counted for something.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from Nils Andersson

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from T.J. Mason

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Nils Andersson

Hello L. Neil,

Re: “The Iron Is Hot” by L. Neil Smith [in this issue, you write]:

"To begin with, understand that most state legislators operate and maintain private businesses on the side. If they don't, then their spouses do, or their children."

Yup. Hordes of politicians become rich during their tenure. This is a rule rather than an exception, especially if you don't count those who start out rich.

HOWEVER, the most egregious (at least AFAIK) crook is Joe Biden. Never mind the Ukraine, that netted only a handful of millions. No, that was just start-up pocket lint. The real money came from China, we are talking billions here.


Nils Andersson
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

A follow up to last week’s Norseman’s Diaries Supplemental regarding the infamous SeaQuest Cheeseburger confiscated from the Lt Krieg character in the episode “Whale Song”. It was a subplot in the mission of the week to stop a band of environmental activist vigilantes taking the law into their own hands sinking illegal whaling vessels. That episode was the epiphany of the progressive liberal utopian future long sought by the Left that was the pipe dream of the Bill Clinton era. Which was supposed to have come to pass by now as it was—according to the script in 2017 (the year before the SeaQuest officially began its mission to seek out a Brave New World and boldly go where no politically correct science fiction series has gone before!) That was the year beef was supposed to be outlawed to curb methane emissions from cow farts deemed detrimental to the ozone layer. Ozone layer? How priorities have changed! And who knows—2017 might very well have become the advent of the Contraband Cheeseburger had Hillary Clinton won the White House in 2016!

As I said in my last article ; they’re still working on it. And will probably start doubling down again in the wake of the Trump Impeachment Circus that has been the major focus of their energies for a good while.

In my continuing research to supplement my memory of that particular episode of the series I came across a recipe for a SeaQuest Cheeseburger of all things! It looks pretty damned delicious and I think I’m going to go the extra mile to make one later today to enjoy while I can ; like so much of life in general. Most of you know what I mean.

Other minutia

Second load of firewood delivered Thursday evening so I’ll be good for a while. Possibly for the duration if this winter remains on the mild side. I got a picture of the repurposed fire truck this time around but it’s on my other device and I’m having issues with the email getting stuck in the outbox so I won’t be able to include it. Will find some way to get it into the next issue which I just started and will be doing like an actual diary to record significant events as they unfold rather than trying to cobble stuff together from email correspondence at the last minute as I often do. Looking to have that out by early spring.

In the meantime in accordance with the Norseman’s Creed:

Stay Warm
Stay Happy
Stay Free!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Editor,

Just a quick note to announce two contests. These come under the heading of skill and are not lotteries, not sweepstakes, and not free giveaways.

Art Work Contest: free to enter; all entries become property of Houston Space Society; winning entry to receive $100 plus 50% of patron fees received from 2 February 2020 to 15 May 2020. The art should reflect the text of the first novel of the Freedom Decentral series by Jim Davidson, found in these pages and available in free .pdf from the author. The winning entry will be used as the cover art on the eBook version of the novel. Any style of art is accepted for an entry. Judges will determine which book cover art is chosen.

Title Contest: free to enter; all entries become property of Houston Space Society; winning entry to receive $50 plus 25% of patron fees received from 2 February 2020 to 15 May 2020. The title should reflect the text and themes of the first novel of the Freedom Decentral series by Jim Davidson, found in the pages of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and available in free .pdf from the author. The winning entry will be used as the title of the first novel in the series. Titles should be short and suited to books.

Anyone wishing to become a judge may do so at the low-low cost of $30 per vote. So if you want to join the team of four judges already identified, please contact the author about payment options. All payments are donations to Houston Space Society, with the author encouraging donations by selling votes in these two contests. After all, if voters in Chicago get paid, why shouldn't you?

Your friend,

Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Majorly cool spacetime stuff

Two articles on spacetime drag in a neutron star/white dwarf binary system.

White Dwarf’s Whirlwind Spin Drags Spacetime
Sky & Telescope

The system is one of only two neutron star-white dwarf binaries known where the white dwarf appears to be older than the neutron star. As the neutron star was a massive star before it went ...
[Read More]


Physics Dot Org

Sophocles Ozaki
Email address witheld by request

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Repeating something I've said elsewhere:

Freedom never is, nor will it ever be gratis, and that is how it should be.


If you don’t follow the gun magazines, Ruger is releasing a new handgun in 5.7x28mm FN. It is less expensive than FN’s Five-seveN by several hundred dollars. If you “need” a glorified .22 Magnum pistol (“It’s just so friggin’ cool!” constitutes need for some) this may be your cup of tea. It should make a decent companion piece for an FN PS90 or AR 57 (AR 15 rechambered to 5.7x28 mm) or some other similar carbine. FiveSeveNs have a lighter recoil than 9 mm. para and may be the ticket for people who don’t want to deal with “heavy recoil,” people with rheumatism in their wrists for example. Whatever it takes to keep being able to fight.

Mike Bloomberg is trying to buy the election and has promised to finance other Democrats who join him in his anti-gun nanny state campaign. We need to show him there are enough voters who value essential liberty over illusory security to deny him his goals.

2020 seems like a good year to start a run on modern sporting rifles, let people know we don’t want what Bloomberg is selling by buying something else.

Interestingly, boxers punch with a force between 447 and 1,066 foot pounds, harder than martial artists. That’s equal to or greater than hot 9mm para, .40 liberty, .45 ACP. Of course the force is spread over ten maybe 12 time the area so it is relatively less destructive. On the other hand more people are beaten to death with hands and feet than killed with “assault rifles” every year. Also, unlike bullets, I’ve observed punches really knocking people back, even punches thrown by relative wimps. Of course, then you have to go chasing after the bum to hit him again.

Use your vote to keep Bloomie out of office, at 66 I have too much of the “rheumatis’,” especially in my right hand, to be throwing a lot of punches and I need my money for meds not ammo. Can’t afford a Second Revolution. Won’t wuss out of fighting in one, just would prefer something with a minimum of rambunctiousness.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Watch “9mm vs .357 Sig vs 10mm vs 5.7x28mm vs Body Armor” on YouTube

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Life on board an O’neill Cylinder—YouTube

Latest Isaac Arthur

There are at least thee good reasons for wanting to live in one of these things.

Taylor made climate and ecosystems—no more Norseman’s Hell unless you are into that sort of thing.

The opting of moving the habitat to escape unfriendly neighbors or a tyrannical government.

And they are likely to be the most available option for expansion beyond Earth because natural worlds around other stars that we might be able to live on are few and far between and may take centuries to reach and lifeless ones like Mars or Venus wound take a long time to terraform whereas you can crank out O’Neills in maybe under 10 years once the process becomes commonplace and efficiently automated. As opposed to centuries or even a thousand years or more to terraform a planet like Mars.

And a planet’s worth of mass will give you a billion planets worth of living space if turned into artificial habitats.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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