“Gun control is the idea that it’s better to see a woman dead in an alley, strangled
with her own pantyhose, than to see her with a gun in her hand.”—T.D. Melrose

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L. Neil Smith‘s
The Libertarian Enterprise
—An International Journal of Opinion —
Issue 1,056, February 2, 2020

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Government healthcare is the
first step to cyanide showers.
— Neil Smith (no relation)

L. Neil Smith‘s The Libertarian Enterprise does not collect, use, or process any personal data.

The Iron Is Hot
(The Feature Article)

Well Regulated!
Well Regulated!
source: Patriot Post

The people could not be given what they had asked
for. It would set a precedent. Give them that, and
they would start believing they lived in a
democracy where votes counted for something.

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Letters to the Editor
from Nils Andersson, Jeff Fullerton, Jim Davidson, Sophocles Ozaki, A.X. Perez, and T.J. Mason

The Iron Is Hot
by L. Neil Smith
I’ve seen men walk on the Moon. I’ve seen two Presidents impeached and then depeached … or whatever. I’ve seen a juggling bear ride a unicycle and an elephant fly. I’ve seen the state of Virginia, the very cradle of American liberty, birthplace of George Washington, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson, obscenely despoiled, transformed hideously into an autocratic dictatorship, trembling on the brink of revolution. I’ve seen the United Kingdom of Great Britain fight bitterly for and win sovereignty and independence. Truly the world turned upside-down.

They Wanna Keep You In Chains
by Sarah A. Hoyt
Yes this post is in homage to Bribem’s crazy utterance in the 2012 race, which by itself should disqualify him from the presidency, because he’s either stupid or thinks other people are when he says to black Americans that “The Republicans want to put you back in chains.” This is so much bullshit it only makes sense from standpoint that the left always accuses their opponents of what they want to do or are actually doing.

A Brief Word on Brexit
by Sean Gabb
Yesterday evening—that is, the 31st January 2020—at 11pm GMT, my country left the European Union. We did so after four years of heated and often hysterical argument. Nothing much seemed to have changed this morning. I went out shopping, to see the same people buying the same things at the same prices. Since we are now in a transition period, lasting till the end of this year, in which we remain within the Single Market and subject to the rules of the European Union, it would have been odd if anything visible had changed. Yet, if nothing visible had changed, one very important thing has changed. The ruling class has suffered its first serious defeat in living memory.

More Hypocrisy from the Left
by Sean Gangol
Recently Donald Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Qassim Suleimani, the commander of the military forces in Iran. When news about the drone strike came out, the left and sadly some conservative members of Congress, such as Rand Paul and Mike Lee, decided to go on full outrage mode. This is partially due to the fact that Trump chose to put the strike into motion without consulting Congress. However, there are others who act as if Trump decided to assassinate the Dali Lama or Hugsy the Owl.

Federal Reserve: FOIA, and Audit
by Jim Carter
Conspiracy theorists have a history of sullying the good name of the Federal Reserve. They even attempt to get legislation passed in Congress so that an audit can be authorized. Their efforts have been unsuccessful.

Meeting in Spirit
by Jim Davidson
The white all around Teddy faded out, somewhat like fog, and there was a garden. Teddy inhaled and there was the scent of roses. Looking around, he could see a garden all about him. Here in this part were white roses in great profusion.

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Our Mr. Smith has a new novel out, Blade of p’Na You can get it right now Amazon.com:
Blade of p’Na cover
Nominated for the Prometheus Award of the Libertarian Futurist Society
Another book just recently issued in Kindle format:
Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May, Illustrated by Scott Bieser, Colored by Jen Zach

Trigger Warning: This issue of this magazine (like all the others) may contain:

Humor, Snark, Truth, Thoughts That Might Be Different Than Yours, Ideas You Never Thought Of, Things You Never Heard Of, and so on.

There are NO “Safe Spaces!”

YOU have been WARNED! :-)

To submit articles, letters-of-comment, cartoons, pictures, etc., email: [email protected]

Products used and recommended by L. Neil Smith (read more):

Handy-Racker (small, medium, large) Buy at Amazon.com

Handy-Racker (Beretta 92, 94, 96 and M9, and clones) Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Green laser Buy at Amazon.com

LED Weapon light with Red laser Buy at Amazon.com

Nullification Act

List of WikiLeaks mirrors:
Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime!
Free Bradley Manning
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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

Down With Power Audiobook!
The Down With Power audiobook read by Brian Wilson
Get it here!

Americans Have Obeyed Their Last Gun Law
A cyberpamphlet by L. Neil Smith

Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems
Double mag rig  Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at: survivalsheath.com

Member of The Internet Defense League

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
Download .pdf
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The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive


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L. Neil Smith’s
The Libertarian Enterprise

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