Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,066, April 12, 2020

Has everyone gone utterly insane?.

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Sean Gabb

Recommended Reading

Two books for you, one by a friend, one by me.

1. Why Libertarianism Needs Christianity to Succeed, by Robert Grözinger

This is a short Kindle book, priced at only 99c/99p. I recommend it. Hans-Hermann Hoppe recommends it. Do give it a read. If you like it, do make sure to leave a review. Here are the details:

Many libertarians think that only atheism or agnosticism are compatible with their ideology. The author of the present book argues the exact opposite, namely that Christianity, being historically an indispensable element in the development of the freest and concurrently most prosperous societies the world has ever seen, should be taken seriously as the proper foundation of libertarianism. Based on ideas of Friedrich August von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jordan B. Peterson and Gary North, the author argues in this short work that only on this religious foundation can libertarianism overcome its current position on the margins of political and ideological debates and recapture the wide support it deserves.

From the pre-publication reviews

“This short but profound exploration of the relationship between faith and liberty deserves the widest readership among both Christians and libertarians…. [Grözinger] makes a persuasive case for the necessary identity of two ways of looking at the world—ways that are often, and falsely, regarded as opposites.” (Hans-Hermann Hoppe)

“I cannot recommend this short book too highly. Anyone seeking an exploration of the roots of libertarianism in the Christian Faith should obviously begin here.” (Sean Gabb)

2. The Break, by Sean Gabb

OK, this has been about for a couple of years. But you can now read it for free on-line. If hardly any one else agrees—compared with my historical fiction, sales have been derisory—I still believe this is my best book. It’s the one I’ve most enjoyed writing.

Best regards,

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Coronavirus Update

Putting together the latest issue of the Diaries spanning from the onset of the crisis mid March thru the first of April. Going to take another week—or two—to work on it: trimming and tweaking and add account of the events still unfolding.

So far I remain alive and well and no one else around me has fallen seriously ill. Three of the nurses I work with who were sent home have since recovered and returned to work. We are still bracing for the surge that is still forthcoming to our region which is an outlier to the major outbreaks that are mostly in urban areas. My ER remains a ghost town much of the time with busy spurts but overall census is down due to general fear. Hoping we might get lucky and avoid the crunch of the pandemic which may be the case thanks to more lead time to get ready and social distancing measures that are slowing the spread. But so many routine things in the hospital—checkups—surgeries etc have been put on hold. Does not take much of a mind to realize what a mess that is going to be trying to catch up the backlog of cases that have been put on the back burner and continue to pile up.

Good Friday was a terrible day weather wise. More like March weather than April with snow squalls heralding the official start of the Coronavirus Winter and maybe onset of the next Little Ice Age.

Not good.

But the pursuit of happiness and excellence will continue on until the Crack of Doom.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

The current crisis has exposed two things that need to be corrected. Both kind of go back to a comment I made back when, you should need the same ID to vote that you need to carry a pistol in public.

The worsening crisis as America locked down in slomo caused many people to feel a sudden need to gun up, including many people who believe in “gun control.” I’m pretty sure that being blocked from buying guns and ammo was not what they had in mind when they were screaming for “common sense gun reform.” If supporters of gun rights can’t turn this into votes to get pro gun politicians elected, block some of the more nefarious ideas being pushed by gun grabbers, and actually repeal some of the most egregious restrictions of gun rights repealed or at least weakened they aren’t trying.

Speaking of votes, how much has the current crisis interfered with this year’s primary election season? How many people did not vote because there was no way in hell they were leaving the safety of their homes during a pandemic? We need to get a secure method for voting from home next time SHTF.

We will have more pandemics, more natural disasters, more excuses for the bosses to shut the country down. The power of the people, both individually held and exercised collectively, rest in the natural right to bear arms and the civil right of the franchise. We need to protect them from tyrannical gonifim during times of crisis.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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