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Number 1,139, January 16, 2022

I believe you have a right to be free,
that you were born free,
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The Outrage Machine
Part I

by Cathy L.Z. Smith
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

I find it nearly impossible to watch the news these days. When I do actually get a look at what the lunatics here are up to, spewed by the gaping, drooling idiots inaccurately and unjustly called “reporters” it’s typically through the (mostly reliable, mostly factual) reporting of Tucker Carlson, but occasionally through lens of Carl Benjamin (a.k.a. Sargon of Akkad) on his Podcasts of The Lotus Eaters presented with an utterly appropriate amount of well-deserved derision and outright disbelief.

Last night was one such night, as I was refreshing my familiarity with the topics I planned to discuss in this piece and chanced upon Carl and his co-host playing clips from the orgy of self-aggrandizement wrapped in a cloak of lies so thick, so repulsive, it was difficult to believe the speakers—President, uh, I mean—Vice-President Heels-Up Harris and her little dog Toto Biden didn’t simply burst into flames (link below). 

I believe it’s safe to say that not a single word that they uttered during this festival of falsehoods could be proven to be true, and most of them were self-evidently false even if you watched nothing but mainstream dribblings regarding the “horrendous” “life-altering” “devastating” insurrectionist spectacle of Americans carrying (not guns, mind you, or clubs, or torches, or even pitchforks, but) American flags, as they peacefully (carefully staying between the velvet ropes) entered The People’s House, at the invitation of the underwhelming security force arrayed there to defend Democracy from the filthy rabble, the basket of deplorables who are forced at gunpoint to keep (as one might a mistress) the self-important creatures who currently infest that structure (and others) in the nation’s swamp.

And all this hypocrisy became the perfect backdrop for the issue I originally intended to discuss. There are some voices out there in the intellectual underground (where L. Neil Smith largely, if unwillingly, spent his life, and upon whose shoulders I currently stand). Among those I recently discovered is Douglas Murray whose recent books The Strange Death of Europe and The Madness of Crowds were the topics of an interview with Peter Robinson on an episode of The Hoover Institution’s “Uncommon Knowledge”. Murray speaks eloquently in both books to anyone with a rational mind about the irrational maelstrom we find ourselves trapped within. I have five pages of notes from a 45-minute interview (I strongly urge you to check out the YouTube video if you haven’t already, link below).

The Strange Death of Europe is focused largely on the immigration issue on the European continent and the impact of this influx on the natives of countries that are steadily losing their identities, their heritage, their customs, and their cultures, while the so-called leaders of these countries demonstrate little desire to fight for those attributes—and in many cases welcome these deconstructions with open arms—committing to all intents and purposes, cultural suicide.

Murray speaks of the mass movement of people into Europe following World War II, invited by war-torn countries driven by depopulation of tradesmen and craftsmen, as well as a large dose of German guilt, to “rebuild” that which had been destroyed. The notion, initially, being that these people would ultimately return to their countries of origin, proved largely false and thus began the mass migration that continues to this day, unchecked by “a succession of lazy and cowardly politicians”.

Murray speaks of a scene at the Munich airport where German citizens are welcoming migrants (60% or more of whom are not refugees in any traditionally-recognized humanitarian sense) with high-fives, balloons, and teddy bears, seemingly elated at the sight of people breaking into their country rather than trying to break out.

Murray contends that the resulting conditions (the British no longer comprising the majority of residents in London; the fact that the number one boy’s name in Wales is Mohammed; no-go zones in European cities) are dishonestly countered with arguments such as “That’s not the case.”, “Ok, that’s the case, but you shouldn’t say it.”, or “That’s the case, and it’s great! Suck it up.” The consequence of this demand of deliberately “not noticing” forces upon the viewer an intentional lie, leaving us adrift in a sea of unreality.

In part, Murray lays responsibility at the feet of feckless politicians who engage in endless apologies for this historical past (always ignoring the equally historical advances and corrections that have been made to right past wrongs), an act of contrition that gains the politician something with the “woke” but costs them nothing. The victims of these apologies are the populations of these cultures being summed up by their collectively worst moments; while holding up everyone else only by their best.

But from among his many messages, the one I find most compelling is the statement that the populations of these Western cultures—not perfect but fixed on steadily moving toward the values of fairness and equality of opportunity—are suffering from an “extraordinary lack of courage”: specifically, the courage to steadfastly identify and defend those things which are inarguably true in spite of intersectional attempts to tear reality to pieces. And that the consequence of that is “a great derangement … increasingly irrational, feverish, herd-like, and simply unpleasant”.

It is enormously demoralizing to people to be made to lie. His identification of this truth is more in sorrow than in anger because he understands full well that the cost of honesty has been, in large measure, priced out of the market, because the concreteness of personally identifying the truth puts you, individually, at risk. Those who openly call out the lies and hypocrisy are personally attacked, whereas assertion of the abstract (intersectional) is met with critique of that very abstract, not ad hominem attacks on he who asserts it.

Attacks on the individual are not abstract: they are concrete, overwhelming dogpiles, and they are meant to be utterly devastating to anyone who dares challenge the woke orthodoxy.

This leads me to my contention that we are being herded, deliberately, with malicious intent (and with the assistance of a dismayingly large cadre of useful idiots), toward some overwhelmingly tragic event that will be used to silence the brilliance of Western culture once and for all. I’ve wondered if they’re actually preparing Australia to be the once-and-future penal colony for those of us refuseniks (of multiple flavors) who survive whatever they intend to goad us in to.

So, let’s have a discussion about countermeasures and how to change the trajectory.


Reading list:

Douglas Murray
The Strange Death of Europe
The Madness of Crowds

YouTube videos:

“Uncommon Knowledge” Peter Robinson interview with Douglas Murray

The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray

Podcast of the Lotus Eaters: The Democrats are Lying About Jan 6th

Reallygraceful: What The Media Won‘t Tell You About Australia

Reallygraceful: Australia in 2021: What the Media Won‘t Tell You (Part 2)

Aside, but nevertheless interesting:
Sargon of Akkad’s response to Three Arrows referencing Douglas Murray, among others

[And Once again another time I refer all to Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters, by Steven Pinker because that shore is what‘s missing. Of course, rationality requires a certain commitment, an honest desire for truth for truth‘s sake on the part of the speker/writer/thinker. Where are we going to find that these days? — Editor]

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