Number 1,202, April 9, 2023

But there is no asterisk in the Bill of Rights: “Void in Case of Virus.” — Jim Bovard

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Letters to the Editor

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

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Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header! Please indicate a subject. Otherwise you risk the editor picking a subject completely irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Albert Perez on comments

Jeff Fullerton on Migrant Babies Left Abandoned at the Southern Border

Albert Perez on Gun stuff

Letter from Albert Perez


Regarding currency to control people: This can, of course, be ameliorated with barter. Also, people can create "fiat money" among themselves to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. For example, in a particularly vice ridden town, gambling chips from the gaming houses and tokens from the brothels can end up being used as currency to buy medical attention, food, weapons, housing, and other goods and services, including their original use. Hell, they can use bottle caps and marbles as long as the people in question agree on their worth.

Regarding religion:

Without getting too theological, the need to have something to treat as an axiom to build your world view is very powerful. The problem is, once you accept this axiomatic belief, your definition of yourself as a good person relies on it being true. disprove any part of the idea and the true believers' sense of self is severely damaged if not destroyed.

Most interestingly. Christianity is about forgiveness of sin, God loving the people He created so much that He let Himself be killed by Crucifixion, then came back and told us He loves us anyhow and still. Instead, it seems practitioners of Woke want God to condemn and punish the rest of us, to be the ones who say, “I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” ( Temujin, AKA Genghis Khan. Skippy and John Milieus would love me for quoting this). Sorry, but that's not what God said. It is sad that they need Him to say this.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Migrant Babies Left Abandoned at the Southern Border

Migrant Babies Left Abandoned at the Southern Border

Here’s an idea:

We should take the kids and give them citizenship and adopt them out to US families and send the parents back as punishment for recklessly endangering them. We should do the same with anchor babies. Stop rewarding people for breaking the immigration laws but give sanctuary to innocent infant children who are being used as pawns to game the system.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Albert Perez

Gun stuff

At least as of 2020 the record Handgun shot is 2010 yards. The caliber of the pistol is 10 mm Auto, maker not specified. The article does not specify the length of the barrel used (presumably between 4 and 5 inches), bullet weight and composition, powder charge and brand, and brand of primer used. While I am not a reloader, I know how important this information is in determining range and accuracy. Also, I would like to know the muzzle velocity and velocity and energy at target. Also, does the load meet or exceed Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI) maximum safe loading recommendations?

Most of us (as in 90+ %) cannot make a shot like this. Also, I'm pretty sure a DA could convince a jury that with 2000 yards you between you, you were not in imminent danger and therefor had no need to shoot, thus refuting a self-defense defense, even in the most fervent stand your ground jurisdiction.

Speaking of states recognizing the right to keep and bear arms, Florida has adopted permitless carry of hand guns. They still forbid open carry so technically they are not exercising true Constitutional carry. Still 26 of 50 states basically admit that honest people going about their honest business do not need the permission of the government to carry handguns in a safe manner for self-defense.

This is progress in protecting our rights, but more victories are needed to secure our freedoms, not only under the 2nd Amendment, but also the entire Bill of Rights.

Albert Perez
[email protected]

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