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Letters to the Editor
from Richard Bartucci, Richard Colwell, Jonathan David Morris,
Dana Majewski, L. Neil Smith, Paul Bonneau, and Mike Henderson
The Antichrist
by Friedrich W. Nietzsche
The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily
understands me—I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion,
he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to
living on mountain tops—and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and
nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the
truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him.... He must have an inclination,
born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the
forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears
for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have
hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner—to hold
together his strength, his enthusiasm.... Reverence for self; love of self; absolute
freedom of self....
Chapter Twenty-eight: Council of War
An Excerpt From the forthcoming novel Blade of P'Na
by L. Neil Smith
The boss called ahead. Instead of parking at the curb when we
got there, he pulled around to the north side of the Elder's house—putting the
shoreline to our left—into an open door wide enough for ten veeks. We'd been here
once before, when we were "taken for a ride". One of the dozens of machines parked
inside was immediately familiar. It belonged to Eneri Relda. The four of us wondered
what was going on.
Tale of a Rogue
by Dean West
I don't usually advocate military intervention, but I am aware of a
country that would seem—by our government's standards—to desperately need it. This
nation has one of the largest standing armies in the world. They spend an enormous portion
of their GDP on their military, and on devising new and more dangerous WMD. While claiming
their love of peace, they routinely bully or invade other nations.
What Would Jesus Shoot
by A.X. Perez
The illustration for the Easter (April 8th) 2012 issue of The
Libertarian Enterprise is a picture of Jesus Christ holding a Winchester lever
action rifle captioned "WHAT WOULD JESUS SHOOT?" While many faux Believers (many of
them quire bloodthirsty I might add.) might object to this I feel it is a fair
question. After all He did ask His Apostles how many of them were heeled before He
sent them out to spread the Word, and He did advise that "he who owns a cloak should
sell it and buy a sword." While He did tell Simon Peter to stand down at Gethsemane,
tactically all Peter could have accomplished would have been the slaughter of Jesus
and His followers. Strangely, the bosses who want the rest of us to bare our throats
to their knives only remember this story and use it as an example of why we should
not forcibly resist tyranny. Makes ya go "hmmm."
The Hunger Games, A Brief Review
by David Walker
Have you read the book or watched the movie? Because I write
and prepare media for a living now (instructional manuals—GAG!!), I really don't
like to read or watch movies any more. Add to that the way Hollywood fucks everything up,
and I just don't have time to live vicariously through folks I find offensive and stupid.
History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science
by John William Draper
WHOEVER has had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the mental
condition of the intelligent classes in Europe and America, must have perceived that there
is a great and rapidly-increasing departure from the public religious faith, and that,
while among the more frank this divergence is not concealed, there is a far more extensive
and far more dangerous secession, private and unacknowledged.
The Age of Reason
by Thomas Paine
IT has been my intention, for several years past, to publish my
thoughts upon religion; I am well aware of the difficulties that attend the subject,
and from that consideration, had reserved it to a more advanced period of life. I
intended it to be the last offering I should make to my fellow-citizens of all
nations, and that at a time when the purity of the motive that induced me to it
could not admit of a question, even by those who might disapprove the work. The
circumstance that has now taken place in France, of the total abolition of the
whole national order of priesthood, and of everything appertaining to compulsive
systems of religion, and compulsive articles of faith, has not only precipitated
my intention, but rendered a work of this kind exceedingly necessary, lest, in
the general wreck of superstition, of false systems of government, and false
theology, we lose sight of morality, of humanity, and of the theology that is true.
About The Holy Bible
A Lecture
by Robert G. Ingersoll
THERE are many millions of people who believe the Bible to be the
inspired word of God—millions who think that this book is staff and guide, counselor
and consoler; that it fills the present with peace and the future with hope—millions
who believe that it is the fountain of law, justice and mercy, and that to its wise and
benign teachings the world is indebted for its liberty, wealth and civilization—millions
who imagine that this book is a revelation from the wisdom and love of God to the brain
and heart of man—millions who regard this book as a torch that conquers the darkness
of death, and pours its radiance on another world—a world without a tear. They forget
its ignorance and savagery, its hatred of liberty, its religious persecution; they remember
heaven, but they forget the dungeon of eternal pain.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 172
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 172 of a weekly cartoon series.