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Number Number 1,126, September 19, 2021

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A New Zeroth Law??
by Blank Reg
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Today is a long one, as it’s been awhile. I actually cover three topics, today, the main one reflected in the title.  Hope you like it.




The science of thermodynamics has been discovered over centuries, and its principles apply to nearly every device ever invented. Its importance in modern technology cannot be overstated.

The fundamental principles of thermodynamics were originally expressed in three laws1:

The First Law states that the total increase in the energy of a system is equal to the increase in thermal energy plus the work done on the system. This states that heat is a form of energy and is therefore subject to the principle of conservation.

The Second Law states that heat energy cannot be transferred from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature without the addition of energy. This is why it costs money to run an air conditioner.  While the 1st law states — theoretically - that the energy is equal on both sides of the equation, the 2nd law says you can’t even break even. There is always a bit of friction to the system.

The Third Law states that the entropy of a pure crystal at absolute zero is zero. As explained above, entropy is sometimes called "waste energy," i.e., energy that is unable to do work, and since there is no heat energy whatsoever at absolute zero, there can be no waste energy. Entropy is also a measure of the disorder in a system, and while a perfect crystal is by definition perfectly ordered, any positive value of temperature means there is motion within the crystal, which causes…disorder. For these reasons, there can be no physical system with lower entropy, so entropy always has a positive value.


But… this is not what I want to discuss today. Here’s the interesting part:

By the nineteenth century, it was determined that a more fundamental law had been neglected, apparently because it had seemed so obvious to everyone, for so long, that it did not need to be stated explicitly. However, to form a complete set of rules, scientists decided this most fundamental law did actually need to be included.

The problem, though, was that the first three laws had already been established and were well known by their assigned numbers. When faced with the prospect of renumbering the existing laws, which would cause considerable confusion, or placing the pre-eminent law at the end of the list, which would make no logical sense, a British physicist, Ralph H. Fowler, came up with an alternative that solved the dilemma: he called the new law the “Zeroth Law.”

The Zeroth Law states that if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with some third body, then they are also in equilibrium with each other. This establishes temperature as a fundamental and measurable property of matter.


I think today we need the equivalent of a “Zeroth law” for virology. It would go something like this:

A virus that is claimed to be specific for a certain illness with defined human symptoms and established virulence, must first be fully identified and isolated in a laboratory setting, with the procedures documented so that the results can be successfully reproduced by other scientists in other similarly equipped laboratories.”

When it comes to the magical flu bug, “Covid-19”, or more formally “SARS-CoV-2”, however, this has not been the case.  This virus has never been completely isolated by either the World Health Organization (WHO) or the US Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC). Or…anyone else in the world. The Chinese themselves are very coy about the whole thing, despite the claims that this bug escaped from a high-end viral research lab in Wuhan.

Yet somehow, the world is being turned completely upside down by “cases”, “testing”, and now insistence by many world governments that all their citizens get a new and untested “vaccine”.

If you haven’t fully isolated SARS-CoV-2 in a lab, how can anyone either create an effective test for it, or create a vaccine? If you don’t fully know what it is you are actually dealing with, how can you fight it or defend against it? You can’t count as a “case” something you have never defined.

The infamous PCR “test”, as admitted by it’s own inventor, doesn’t really “test” for anything. It takes a few virus particles and replicates them over and over, until you have a large enough sample that can be measured. These particles are rarely more than 300 base pairs in length. (Google “base pair” for a layman’s description). What you really need to know here, is that the average Coronavirus, fully isolated, is over 40,000 base pairs in length. So the PCR test is akin to someone finding a single fossilized metatarsal bone from a large prehistoric animal, and from that extrapolating that it is a Brontosaurus. (We call this “painful elucidation of the obvious”)

To make a proper “kill” vaccine, one would also require a fully-isolated virus to work with. They’re not doing that. They are instead injecting genetically engineered mRNA to take over your cellular machinery to produce specific “spike” proteins that are theoretically going to trigger an autoimmune response as a form of protection.  The results of this massive experiment on the human race is not working out so well. And many suspect this is by design. So obviously, avoid the “clot shot” as it is now called.




I also wanted to offer this great piece from one of my favorite all-time writers, Robert J. Ringer:

“What can you possibly have in common with people who believe that “climate change” is an “existential threat” to the survival of mankind, notwithstanding mountains of evidence to the contrary?  What can you possibly have in common with people who believe that killing babies is good for women’s health?  What can you possibly have in common with people who are outraged over the idea of economically disadvantaged families being given the opportunity to choose where their children go to school?  What can you possibly have in common with people who insist that America, the least-racist nation in the world, is somehow systemically racist?


Sorry, folks, but statements like “What we have in common is greater than our differences” are simply not true.  People who believe in liberty, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the obvious superiority of Western civilization have absolutely nothing in common with today’s crazed, totalitarian leftists.”

He is spot on, and really makes the case for a national “divorce” —if only the crazed lefties would agree to let us go in peace…which leads me to…




And of course, I can’t help but offer another update to my never-ending rant with regard to Red States banding together for mutual protection/defense. I mentioned it here and here.

Well, given Biden’s latest vax edicts, could such a declaration happen sooner than later??

Look familiar????

Don’t you think NOW, at long last, is the time for Constitutionally minded states to formally band together against tyranny?  If not now, when?  When it’s too late??? Until/unless people wake up and demand this, it could get really ugly really fast.

And I’m talking Taliban and Vietcong kind of ugly. 

We need to make it as difficult as possible, if not impossible altogether, for the Usurpers to govern at all.  Banding together would add a margin of safety, without having to resort to force of arms. Yet we must still prepare for that eventuality.

Yes, we are at that stage now. Hunkering down somewhere and hoping it will all blow past you is a forlorn hope.  It’s time to stand up.


Reginald Blankenship (“Blank Reg”) is a known quantity in a major industry, who chooses to write under a pseudonym for professional reasons, until such time as the world regains its senses. You can email him at [email protected]. He is on Gab as “BlankReg5466”.


1 Source:  Article by Jim Lucas,

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